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Challenges in patients

              with swallowing difficulties

              by Rosemont Pharmaceuticals

              Dysphagia refers to any difficulty which              of the negative consequences that this
              disrupts the normal swallowing process.               can have on the activity of the drug. The
              The causes of swallowing difficulties                 outcome of medicines manipulation can
              are numerous however, it is a prevalent               be emphasised in older people due to age
              condition, reported to occur in up to 50%             related differences in pharmacokinetics .
              of the elderly , as high as 68% of care               Rosemont, as the UK’s leading
              home residents  and 50% of patients with              manufacturers specialising in licensed liquid
              neurological conditions .                             medicines in oral liquids, provide its extensive
              Some signs and symptoms which may                     product portfolio and education on the
              indicate that a patient has difficulty                topic of swallowing difficulties to healthcare
              swallowing include :                                  professionals (https://www.rosemontpharma.
              •  Difficult or painful chewing or swallowing         com/health-professionals/education-
              •  Dry mouth                                          Rosemont especially prides itself in launching
              •  Difficulty controlling food or liquid in the       many firsts/exclusively licensed oral liquids
                  mouth                                             across challenging therapeutic areas e.g.,
              •  Coughing/choking before, during or after           cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal, and
                  swallowing                                        endocrine system etc.
              •  Hoarse/wet voice quality                           The recently launched website -
                                                                    Understanding Dysphagia
              •  Feeling of obstruction                             ( underscores
              •  Unexplained weight loss                            Rosemont’s commitment to support our
                                                                    healthcare professionals and dysphagic
              •  Regurgitation of undigested food                   patients’ community alike. This unique
              •  Recurrent chest infections (resulting from         digital platform offers patients and carers
                  aspiration)                                       with the information they need to help
              Research by the World Health Organisation             them understand dysphagia. Resourced
                                                                    with validated information the new website
              suggests that in developed countries on               supports patients and their carers towards a
              average half of patients adhere to their              better quality of life.
              prescribed medication for managing chronic
              conditions.  4                                        The Understanding Dysphagia Website has
              Guidelines suggest that patients should               been provided as a service to medicine by
                                                                    Rosemont Pharmaceuticals.
              be asked if they have difficulty swallowing
              tablets and evaluated for the reasons                 1.   Clavé P, Shaker R. Dysphagia: current reality and scope of the
                                                                        problem. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
              thereof .                                                 2015 May;12(5):259
              Oral solid dose medication can present                2.   Survey of medicines related care of residents with dysphagia
                                                                        in care homes. The Patients Association. Available at: https://
              a significant challenge to patients with                  www.patients-
              swallowing difficulties, impacting on the safe            ashx?IDMF=6ff1b4ea-52c2-4ad4-9331- d989d0b4bf05
                                                                        Accessed May 2023
              administration of oral medication. A survey           3.   Wright D, Begent D, et al. Guidelines on the medication
              found that a high proportion (almost 60%)                 management of adults with swallowing difficulties.
              of older people had difficulty swallowing             4.   World Health Organization. (2003). Adherence to long-term
              their tablets or capsules . For patients unable           therapies : evidence for action. World Health Organization.
              to swallow tablets, liquids may be a better     
              choice .                                              5.   Greenwall R. Medicine Management. Medicines management
                                                                        and older people – a guide for healthcare professionals. Aug
              A common patient response to a swallowing                 2017.
              difficulty is to chew, crush tablets or open          6.   Prescribing medicines for patients with Dysphagia. Edited by
                                                                        Prof. D.J Wright 2011
              capsules to make the medicine easier to               7.   Pharmacy in practice Vol 15; issue 9; p411-414.
              take . Often, these patients are unaware
                                                                    DOP -May 2023

               or call us on 01904 558 350                                Rosemont Pharmaceuticals | PS Magazine     9 9

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