Page 22 - Topigs Norsvin 0505
P. 22

Breeding for disease resistance

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                                                                                 6 Robust pigs
        1     :; Disease                                                      N    (O:; JRobust to disease challenges
                                                                              →     Better performance following disease challenge
                                                                              →      :;5#  9RI8 4!

                                                                              A <FEI8 Excellent finishing performance
        2     B) 2                                                            RP" *D0    / 7
              Maintaining profitability                                       Fast growth, excellent feed conversion & high survival
                                                                              →     Higher throughput & lower cost of production
                                                                                    yields greater profit
                                                                              →     -T   - %. $ >-T 2

        3        M3?C                                                         1      T Vital & uniform pigs
              Labor availability                                              Self-starting, vigorous piglets
                                                                              →     Save time and effort in the farrowing house and
                                                                                    facilitate planning
                                                                              →       H=,S   Q   9 L+K &
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