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Bosoon Park n n USDA Agricultural Research Service
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for ffor for creative insights in in in in nanotechnology and and and and analytical chemistry as as as well as as as enthusiastic efforts and and and and commitments for ffor for for developing in- novative and and and and creative research ffor for food safety and and and and quality Contribution to to to the the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding service to to to the the Agricultural and and and and Food Chemistry Division and and and and contributions to to to to organizing well-attended symposia serv- ing ing ing ing in in in in in many leadership roles for strategic planning and and and mentoring early career scientists B B Montgomery Pettitt n n n n University of Texas Medical Branch
Contribution to to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for the the the development and and application of of of theories of of of liquid state to to to protein and and and and nucleic acid systems Leadership in in in in teaching is notewor- thy and and and he he has trained one hundred students and and and postdoctoral fellows Contribution to to to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for service to to to the the Greater Houston local section as Program Chair Chair and and and General Chair Chair for for Southwest Regional ACS ACS meetings (2006 and and and 2016) Project SEED mentor (2014-now) and and committee service Joseph M Pickel n n Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for enabling scientific excellence through the the improvement of of of laboratory laboratory safety and and operational processes and and modernization of of of laboratory facilities Contribution to to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for service to to the the ACS ACS Division on on on on Chemical Health and and and and and Safety Safety (CHAS) as Chair Chair and and and and and programming Co-Chair and and and and and for for organiza- tion of the the Fall 2021 meeting theme ACS Safety Safety Summits and and and and and numerous Presidential and and and and and CHAS symposia Xavier Pillai n Leydig Void & Mayer Ltd Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for early work in in in in in pioneering research in in in in in lithium ion ion ion ion battery technology technology followed by an an an industrial career in in in in in membrane science and polymer technology Contribution to the the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for leadership in the the the the ACS ACS Division of of Chemistry and and and and the the the the Law (CHAL) as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a longtime member of of the the the the Committee on on on on on on Patents and and and and Re- lated Matters (CPRM) and and and and as as as prolific presenter and and and and writer in in in short an an an an an indispensable contribu- tor to to ACS in aspects of patent law 2021 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS
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