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Seth C Rasmussen n n n North Dakota State University
Contribution to to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized as a a a a a a leader in in in the the the fields of of of organic semiconducting polymers and and and the the the the the history of of of of chemistry with significant contributions in in in new synthetic methods and and and the the the development of of low band gap materials Contribution to to to to the the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding service to to to to the the the the Division of of the the the the History of of Chemistry the the the the Red River Valley local section and and and to to to to ACS ACS programming and and and conferences Michelle Rogers n n Cargill Incorporated
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for expertise and and leadership in in in product
safety compliance and and regulatory affairs in in the the global chemical industry Contribution to the the the ACS ACS ACS Community: Recognized for dedicated service at at at the the the local and and na- tional tional level including leadership positions in in in in in the the the the ACS ACS ACS Women Chemists and and and and ACS ACS ACS Nomenclature Termininology and and and Symbols (NTS) Committees and and and the the U U S S S S S National Committee Committee for IUPAC Sharon K Schneider n n n n n United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for exemplary contributions to to under- standing the the distribution transformation sorption and and and volatilization of of of pesticides after soil soil soil application as as well as as impacts of of soil soil erosion on on on on on on on soil soil properties and and and crop productivity Contribution to to the the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service to to the the Agrochemi- cals Division Division as as as elected Secretary Awards committee member member and and and enthusiastic volunteer that has improved the efficiency and and and stature of Division Division affairs and and and service to its members Virender K Sharma n n n Texas A&M University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for establishing an internationally rec- ognized ognized water purification research program focused on on on on on on on on designing novel iron-based sustain- able ferrate understanding their fundamental reaction mechanisms and and applying them for water purifictaion in in complex matrices Contribution to to the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for contributions toward increasing international international visibility and and membership in in in in in in in the the the ACS ACS ACS and and the the the Division of Environmental Chem- istry (ENVR) through organizing international international programs ACS ACS webinar serie honorary award symposia as member-at-large and ENVR ENVR Program Chair 25 l l 2021 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS