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Cristina Urdaneta Thomas n n n 3M
Contribution to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for innovation in in in the the modeling and and and simulation of of polymeric materials and and and and and processes for for for for research and and and and and development organizational leadership and and and and for for for delivering solutions for for for energy savings worker safety safety and and and and traffic safety safety Contribution to to to the the ACS Community: Recognized for ffor her efforts and and long-term commit- ment to to to to serve the the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and and and Engineering (PMSE) to to to to repre- sent industry perspective and and to to to deliver successful membership programs while securing more volunteering engagement Javier Vela n n Iowa State University
Contribution to the the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for the the the the development of of of reproducible and and and tunable synthesis of of of colloidal nanocrystals and and and their applications in in chemical catalysis and and and energy conversion Received the the the NSF CAREER Award in 2013 Contribution to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for being an an an active ACS ACS volunteer for for a a a a a a a a a a decade holding multiple positions locally and nationally Received the the Stanley C C C C C Israel Mid- west Award for Advancing Diversity in in in 2014 Stanislaus S S S Wong n n n n n Stony Brook University
Contribution to to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for distinguished contributions to to carbon nanotube chemistry the the the the sustainable synthesis and and characterization of of of of novel nanoscale formulations of of of scientifically relevant oxide-based nanostructures and and the the the rational tailoring of of of nanomaterials for for energy applications Contribution to to the ACS ACS Community: Recognized as Nanoscience Chair for Inorganic Divi- sion sion sion Programming contributions to to to to a a a a a a a a a a a a a a number of of ACS ACS Divisions Divisions Co-organizer of of 18 major National symposia benefiting multiple Divisions Divisions and Editorial Advisory Board member to to to ACS journals Wallace H Yokoyama n n n United States Department of Agriculture
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for research on on on on on on the the impact of of food com- ponents such such as as as as as soluble fiber and and polyphenols on on on on on on diseases related to to fat metabolism such such as as as as as cardiovascular disease and and diabetes Contribution to to the the the ACS Community: Recognized for for for leadership in in the the the Agricultural and and and Food Chemistry Division and and and the the the California Section and and and for for for service to to to Project SEED includ- ing ing mentoring students 27 l 2021 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS