Page 21 - ROTO Magazine Winter
P. 21

Rotary Magazine for District 1210
                                           What is your most valuable           Is there something about life
                                           possession? I have no idea. I        that you have never
                                           have a couple of interesting         understood? Why does bad
                                           (slightly) valuables, a bottle of    news spread faster and wider
                                           single malt from the de-             than good news? Why do so
                                           commissioned Rosebank                many people think someone
                                           distillery in Falkirk (which         should do something but not take
                                           pleasingly is now being restored     the step to be that someone?
                                           and re-opened). I’ve had several  I could go on …. (And often do.)
                                           records which have proven to be      If you didn’t live in England,
                                           worth more than something            where would you choose to
                                           small, round and plastic should      live? Scotland, probably in, or
                                           ever be. I sold one ‘(Pristine       close to, my childhood home near
                                           Christine’ by the virtually          Lossiemouth.
                                           unknown Sea Urchins) a few
                                           years ago to fund my Digital SLR.  Name the five guests you
                                           My £1 investment in 1987 netted  would invite to a dinner
                                           just over £500 on e-bay 25 years  party There is a song I like about
      What is the best piece of                                                 this subject – in it the singer lists
      advice you have ever been            later.                               famous magicians he’d like to
      given?                               Which living person do you           invite to a party, before realising
      It is difficult to better the        most admire, and why?                that he would probably enjoy it
      “Serenity Prayer”:                   Several years ago I might have       more with close family and
                                           put Kenneth Behring
       Grant me the serenity to accept     (Wheelchair Foundation) who I        friends. I tend to agree with that,
         the things I cannot change;       had the chance to talk to with at a   so much as I am intrigued by the
              Courage to change            couple of Rotary events. In a        idea of having a bunch of Greek
               the things I can;           similar frame I’m grateful to Bill   philosophers, some pioneers of
                and wisdom to              Gates for his humanitarian           science, or famous film directors
             know the difference.                                               around for dinner. I know I’d
                                           support since amassing a large       enjoy a good night with friends
      What Olympic sport would             fortune. I find the most             more. that said I could have
      you compete in? In my teens I  inspirational people are often             some fun inviting historical
      ran 800 and 1500 metres for the  those working with little or no          figures I think might not get
      school - not that I was anywhere     recognition on smaller projects      along, just to see what happens.
      close to Olympic standard.           making big impact in their local
                                           communities. We have all met         Compose a slogan to sum up
      What changes would you               such people through Rotary. A        your life? “Must try harder”
      like to see on Rotary?               couple of examples from causes
      I’d like to see a much more          many of us support would be          Reveal something about
      flexible approach to membership      Karen Williams (Buddy Bag            yourself that might surprise
      recording and subscriptions. I       Foundation) and Magnus               us. I have a film credit as an
                                                                                investor. The film is a
      find it incredibly frustrating that   MacFarlan-Barrow (Mary’s            documentary on Frank
      clubs and members are                Meals).                              Sidebottom (Chris Slevey) – a
      encouraged to try new                                                     cult comedian/musician from the
      approaches and ideas to attract      If you had an unlimited              1980’s through to the early
      and retain members whilst the        supply of one thing, what            2000’s. My investment was
      administration remains archaic       would it be? Perhaps time ,
                                           though I’m not sure that limitless  about £30 - but my name is there
      and inflexible. Different styles     time would be as good as it          in lights!
      and models of club and               sounds. Maybe A4 copier paper
      individual memberships should        or printer ink. (Both would be       Your Rotary in Three Words
      be supported, and the individual     very helpful).                       Developing Better Communities
      cost should be coming down, not                                           How would you like to be
      going up. Rotary’s administration  If you had to be stuck in a lift       remembered? It would be
      costs are – in my opinion - ripe     with someone, who would              comforting to think that
      for reduction.                       you prefer it to be? Preferably      memories of me might raise a
                                           a lift engineer.                     smile.

                                                                                           WINTER 2022    ROTO    21
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