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HSSR Fallall-StatEHoNoREES -PG.58-60
   From Staff Reports
Moncks Corner—One way to increase scholar- ship opportunities for football players is the exciting news that Erskine
College, located in
Due West, SC, will
reinstate the football
program it closed in
1951 with plans to
have a football team
competing by the
fall of 2020.
 XXXII No. 6 -- December 31, 2018
(843) 553-0264
Price: $2.00
64 Pages
     “The High
School Sports Re-
port” has invited
newly appointed Er-
skine head football
coach Shap Boyd to
serve as the
keynote speaker for
its’ 33rd annual all-
state football awards banquet to be held at Seawell’s in Columbia on February 10th. The HSSR is hopeful that many juniors and seniors attending the banquet will be informed enough to get involved with the Di- vision II program that can have up to 36 scholarships by rule, (divided up in multiple ways), along with ad- ditional academic funds from numerous sources.
 Erskine Football Coach Shap Boyd
 “Every year many senior football players are passed up in the recruiting process due to the limita- tions in both scholarships and roster spots at the next level,” said HSSR Publisher Billy G. Baker. “In talk- ing to Erskine College athletic director Mark Peeler
  See Banquet, pg. 63 On the Inside...
 AAAAA Basketball Features....................3 AAAA Basketball Features.......................4 AAA Basketball Features..........................5 AA Basketball Features.............................6 Class A Basketball Features......................7 Claflin Stats...........................................8-9 SCISA Basketball Features.....................10 Green Acres Prospects............................18 Seawell’s Midlands Feature.......................32 Country Green Turf Recruiting..................33 HSSR Fall All-State Teams...................58-60
Gray Collegiate’s Tommy Bruner
Erskine’s Boyd to keynote 33rd Annual HSSR Fall All-State Football Banquet
Cardinal Newman’s Ashlyn Watkins
East Clarendon’s Talaysia Cooper
Dorman’s Myles Tate
Porter Gaud’s Josiah James
Wilson’s Loyal McQueen
Ridge View’s Malcolm Wilson
Goose Creek’s Shayla Nelson

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