Page 28 - Chronological-Flash
P. 28

SERTT Flashh

                                               Schhool Energgy and Recyycling Teamm

                                                Revampiing by De--lamping

                               B-CCC High Scchool Reduuces Energgy and Carbbon Footprint

            AAre you lookking for wayss to improve  your energyy savings?
            AAlain Perron, building  services maanager, at  B-CC High  SSchool, sougght
            a assistance froom SERT to  identify enerrgy savings oopportunitiess.

            SERT recommmended a bbest managemment practicce called “dee-lamping.”   In
            aan effort to conserve eneergy and proovide approppriate lightingg levels a ligght
            mmeter is usedd to measuree foot candlees, a unit of measure in llighting. Whhen
            llighting leveels in the claassrooms exxceed the reccommended   amount theere
            mmay be an   opportunityy to removee one light   tube and  rreduce enerrgy
            cconsumptionn while mainntain approppriate lightingg levels.  Beefore removiing
            llight tubes please contactt SERT to mmeasure lightiing levels.  YYou should nnot
            ttake lamps  out of new   fixtures unnder warrantty. De-lampiing is possibble
            a anywhere thhere is a fluorrescent light  fixture abovve an area thhat is not beiing
            uused for activve reading annd writing orr in areas whhere there is mmore light thhan
            nneeded. Thiis could  bee: along winndows, arouund doors,  corners, ovver
            ccomputers, ttelevisions, hallways, andd equipment.

                                      Having seen the tremmendous savinngs a buildinng can accrue by de-lampping his
                                      former scchool, Takomma Park MS,, Mr. Perronn was eager to coordinatee one of
                                      the most  comprehenssive de-lampping efforts inn MCPS. MMr. Perron coonsulted
                                      with his   SERT Faccilitator, DJ   Connelly,  and they began to takke light
                                      measuremments around the buildin ng.  Once  MMr. Connellyy confirmedd that  it
                                      was posssible to reducce lighting leevels withouut compromiising lightingg needs
                                      and requuirements,  bbuilding serrvice staff  member,  MMr. Duane  Chase,
                                      volunteerred to de-lammp the schoool. Mr. Chasse approacheed this large  project
                                      with a  ppositive attituude, understtanding the  impact it
                                      would haave on the ennvironment,  the school, and all of
                                      MCPS.  WWith efforts like these,  MMCPS is ablle to  save
                                      thousandds of  dollars by  reduucing our  electricity
                                      bills, our  carbon footpprint, and ouur consumptioon.
            DDid you knoow that appproximately  oone-third (1//3) of a buiilding’s electtricity use
            ccomes from  lighting?  For a large scchool such aas B-CC Higgh School, dee-lamping
            ccould save aabout $8,000--10,000 per sschool year.   Simple strattegies and ouutstanding
            eefforts like thhese help thee county in more ways tthan one.  NNot only can  we reuse
            tthe energy  ssavings for  oother importtant academmic programss, the conserrvation of
            eenergy is hellping save naatural resourcces, reducingg our carbon footprint, annd making
            oour world  aa cleaner plaace to live!   SERT  wouuld like to  tthank Mr.  PPerron for
            ccoordinatingg this project,, the adminisstrators at B-CCC High Schhool for greeen-lighting
            tthis project, and to Mr. CChase for hiss dedication  in completinng this project. Thank
            yyou B-CC Baarons!
            DDo you havee a “SERT Fllash” you woould like to shhare about yoour SERT effforts? Please  ssubmit a pictture and
            pparagraph aboout your team and you too ccan be featured in a future FFLASH!

                                                                             “It’s your world…choose to conserve”
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