Page 16 - Club Newsletter 1.25
P. 16


                                              Submitted by Marie Chico

              2020 Recap

              President  Karen  Levy  held  a  ‘virtual’  Holiday  Luncheon,  highlighting
              accomplishments and thanking the legions of supports for the 2020 season.
              Charlotte  McMcGinnis  is  the  2020  Club  Champion,  Sue  Mutell  won  the

              Handicap Tournament, LaVerne Mitchel (1st), and Sue Mutell (2nd) were Top
              Money  Winners,  and  Mimi  Taylor  (1st)  and  Laura  Bogner  (2nd)  took  Most

              Improved. The group also raised almost $2,000 for charities in 2020.

              2021 Executive Board Slate of Officers

              President Debbie Argy
              1st Vice President Gabriela Fellows
              2nd Vice President Mimi Taylor

              Secretary Mary Carlson
              Treasurer Ronnie Matthews

              Ex-Officio Past Pres. Karen Levy

              The first 2021 Executive Board meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM Jan 27,

              followed by the Committee Chairs at 11:00 AM (via Zoom).

              Let the season begin!!
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