Page 26 - Rewindy astari
P. 26

Sumber :                                                                                               D

              Christian Norberg Schulz, 2015, The concept of dwelling On the way
              to figurative architecture, 2020.

              - Martin Heidegger, Building, Dwelling, Thinking,2020                                                  w

              Ar. Suwardana Winata, M.Arch, IAI, July, 2020, Dwell(ing), A
              Question of Architecture1,2020

              M. eronica Gandha, The Future of Dwelling,2020
              M. V

              Nina Carina, MERANCANG (ARSITEKTUR) MASA DEPAN,2020                                                    e

              Budi A.Sukada, 07-2020, TIPOLOGI,2020

              Agus, 23 JULI 2020, Atau, 2020

              Alvin Hadiwono, 17 Juli 2020, Menuju Esensi Makna “Berhuni”,2020                                       l

              DianIsmarani, desember 2017, Perubahan dunia kerja zaman old
              vs zaman now dan bagaimana generasi muda menghadapi
              tantangan                                     dunia                                  kerja,
              -dunia-kerja-zaman-old-vs-zaman-now-dan-bagaimana-generasi                                             l
              -muda-menghadapi-tantangan-dunia-kerja, 2020.

              RobAsghar, 11-2014, Study: Millennials Are The True Entrepreneur
              G         e        n         e        r        a        t        i       o         n        ,

              s-are-the-true-entrepreneur-generation/#55d674f73dc4, 2020.                                            i

              P Peter wood, 12-2009, Seventh Generation Sustainability – A New
              Myth                                                                                       ?,
              ty_-_a_new_myth, 2020                                                                                  n

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