Page 2 - VIU Yearbook 2016 - 2017
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President’s Message

         Dear Alumni, Students, Family and Friends,

                On  behalf  of  Virginia  International  University,  it  is  my  pleasure  to  congratulate  all  2016-2017

         graduating  students  on  their  achievements.  Also,  I  would  like  to  congratulate  their  families,  friends,  and
         others that somehow supported these students in accomplishing their goals and dreams.

                During their academic journey, many of our students had various hurdles on their way. However, they

         were able to overcome many challenges and move closer to their dreams. This yearbook will share some of

         the precious moments that our graduating students had during their time at VIU.

                It is good to remember that VIU made significant changes to the scholarship program by providing

         additional opportunities to our current and prospective students as well as offering Financial Aid for local
         students. As a result, the scholarship program helped our qualified and distinctive students attain their goals

         and overcome any financial constraints. VIU is also proud that our students have come from 85 different

         countries of the world learning together, exchanging experiences, and making lifelong friendships.

                As graduating students, you have reached another step in your life. You are now, and for all years to
         come, one of VIU’s alumni. We encourage you to be energetic participants in the growing alumni community

         and  participate  in  our  alumni  mentoring  program.  You  will  be  encouraged  to  share  your  professional

         experiences,  which  may  inspire  current  university  students  in  pursuing  their  objectives  and  dreams.  No
         matter  what  obstacles  life  might  have  for  you,  you  must  believe  that  you  are  prepared  to  lead  with

         excellence.  Your  confidence  and  great  leadership  skills  will  help  make  your  way  through  the  everyday


                Thank  you  for  letting  VIU  be  part  of  your
         successful life endeavors. We, as family and friends, are

         very proud of you. Your actions in pursuing academic

         improvement will always be remembered, and I hope
         this yearbook becomes a symbol of this special period

         of your life.

                Best of luck,

                Isa Sarac, PhD

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