Page 4 - VIU Yearbook 2016 - 2017
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Associate Vice-President of Enrollment Management &
Dear Graduates,
On behalf of the VIU Admissions and Marketing Department, let me congratulate
you on a job well done as you did it! Your dedication, sacrifice, and hard work
has resulted in earning your degree with all its rights and privileges. The future is
now yours as you enter the marketplace with your knowledge and skills. Make
your mark on the global landscape representing VIU as proud alumni and never
stop learning. It was our honor to have you as students in our campus
community and you can always consider VIU your second home. As you
celebrate your academic achievement on Graduation Day, I hope you take with
you many fond VIU memories and newfound friendships from around the world
that serve you well in your professional endeavors. All the best VIU Graduates!
In success,
Deborah Brent, MA, B.S.C.