Page 9 - The Younger Odyssey
P. 9

  PsalmChapter 51, Verse 6
Behold God desires truth in the inner being.
This poem is about
A truth revealed
A truth that through Cole himself was sealed
A story circulated That has become hear say That Jesse wanted to Kill Bob to get away
This confession came From Cole’s death bed With much sincerity This is what Cole said
Cole began his Historic accounts Saying Frank and Jesse Went to find fresh mounts
They found only two Fresh mounts and came back This Cole related
And said for a fact
At different times Cole and Jim agreed Jesse offered Bob One of the fresh steeds
Cole said Bob’s strength Was too far gone
And Frank and Jesse should take The fresh horses and go on
What is revealed here Is absolutely clear Splitting up was Cole’s idea
This poem is about
A truth revealed
A truth that through Cole himself was sealed

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