Page 16 - Bono Homini - Damir Saciragic
P. 16
The Illyrians, were a warlike, mystical people, with shaman cults is known
regardless of the fact that there is little data about them. But, the thing that is
more interesting is the fact that it has been written by Roman historians, such as
Pliny, that among the Illyrians there were many magicians, healers and
clairvoyants of high regard, known across the Roman Empire.
Illyrian religion constituted numerous shaman cults where among the most
important deities were those that represented symbols of the cult of fertility - god
Vidasus (Cernunnos, Pan) and Tana (Diana, Aradia). Similarly, among the
numerous spirits and god's of the earth (nature) and sky, the dominant place was
occupied by the snake, incarnation of the Grand Mother, to whom the heart and
threshold were dedicated. Still today in Bosnia it is traditionally believed that
every house has its own snake protector, which protects the home and family
from evil and bad luck. That this belief is not one of the many but very important,
but also holly, is confirmed by its taboo - if the snake is accidentally or on
purpose killed, the owner of the house will die.
According to a legend the snake is not only the protector of the house but also
planet earth. Namely, in Bosnian mythology it is mentioned that above earth
there is a gigantic snake which formed a circle with her body (bit its own tail)
around the planet and in that way it protects it from all danger and bad luck,
which additionally justifies her name of a protector.
Illyrian are equally prone to worshiping both earth spirits and gods as well as
celestial ones, among which we will single out sun and moon as well as the stars.
The belief of the Illyrians that stars are the seats of the human soul reveals an
intriguing fact that our ancestors considered that they stem from another planet,
i.e. space.
Traditional belief in Bosnia claims that one should not gaze at the stars at night
because of the fear that at that moment one of them doesn't "fall", because if it
happens to be the star of that person, the person will die
immediately?! Analysing certain segments of Illyrian legends and beliefs, such
as the one about the black dragon, god of evil, which attacks the sun and moon
trying to swallow them (black out), we can see parts of the ancient myth about
the demise of a civilization or even planets from which the ancestors of the
Illyrians escaped.
Representation of the snake as the Grand Mother, symbol of life, and protector of
humans from one side and the black dragon, god of evil, which constantly attacks
sun and moon, trying to devour them and cause the end of life on earth, and
humans themselves, is an ancient myth about the struggle of good and evil. But,
behind it all is something much deeper and mystic. We could refer here to the
theory of David Icke about the reptilian race of earth, which is present from the
ancient times of Sumerian and Babylon, whose symbols are represented in
various segments of the ruling families throughout the world, nowadays.
If we recap the history of religion at its very beginning we will come to an obvious
fact that today's monotheistic god is twice as young as all pagan gods, and that
the teaching of monotheism cannot be taken seriously in the attempts to fathom
the history of the human race and its genesis, irrespective of the fact that