Page 3 - Bono Homini - Damir Saciragic
P. 3

But, one of the strategical interests was stimulating nationalism, in order to place
                   this strategically important part of Europe under their sphere of influence, using
                   the primitivism which was traditionally rooted among the Balkan people. In order
                   to more clearly explain what I'm talking about let us remember this historical fact
                   which states: how is it possible that the people of the Balkans, which existed
                   between two great civilizations, Greece and Rome, never managed to achieve a
                   cultural or civilization advancement.  Everything that was created in the previous
                   centuries in this area is a result of all other people besides the Balkan ones,
                   starting from the Greeks, Romans, Vizigoths, Ottomans, Austro-Hungarians.
                   whether we like it or not, the answer is simple - primitiveness was always a
                   dominant trait of this part of Europe.
                   History has shown as well as proved that the people which can be manipulated
                   the easiest are primitive ones.
                   In order to grasp the pagan world of our ancestors, especially the one connected
                   with their religious life, we need to gather all the names of the god’s and
                   goddesses of the Illyrian pantheon from the entire area of Illyricum from today
                   Greece, Albania across Bosnia and Herzegovina to Slovenia. Individual deities
                   had several names but an identical function which is the reason why the Illyrians
                   failed to establish a unique religion across the territory of Illyricum and why it was
                   divided into many cults.
                   But, according to all available data, worshiping the snake, the reincarnation of the
                   Grand Mother, Thane and Vidasus were common to all Illyrian tribes mostly
                   because these deities were connected with the cult of agriculture and fertility.

                         God Dracon and goddess Dracaena, divine couple.
                   The serpent was a powerful symbol among the ancient Illyrians, in particular

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