Page 64 - Fluida E Modul
P. 64

Daftar Pustaka

       Hess, Amanda Nichols, and Katie Greer, ‘Designing for

            Engagement : Using the ADDIE Model to Integrate High-

            Impact Practices into an Online Information Literacy Course

            Designing for Engagement : Using the ADDIE Model to

            Integrate High-Impact Practices into an Online Information

            Literacy Course’, Communications In Information Literacy,


       Hidayat, Rahmat, Vitria Ratna Sari, Vide Rawi, and Purnama

            Ade, ‘Pemanfaatan Sigil Untuk Pembuatan E- E - Book (

            Electronic Book ) Dengan Format EPub EPu B’, TEKNOSI, 3


       Hidayatullah, MS And L Rakhmawati, "Pengembangan Media

            Pembelajaran Berbasis Flip Book Maker Pada Mata Pelajaran

            Elektronika Dasar Di Smk Negeri 1 Sampang", Pendidikan

            Teknik Elektro, (2016).
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