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Leaders of Distinction…
for Singapore
At RVHS, we want you to develop leadership skills and experience that are enduring and effective.
Whether you acquire personal, community or societal leadership, you will have access to platforms and
training workshops that empower you. One of the signature events that JC1 students can look forward
to playing key roles in is the Y.LEAD Seminar, where many leadership roles await you, from organising
committee to facilitators to logistical.
Tan Pei En - Vice-President, RV Student Councillor
“Having learnt from my teachers the importance of empathising
and being compassionate to others, these traits shaped my values
and outlook on life, shaping the rest of my education journey and
my career choice.”
Ang Swee Heng (6F, 2011)
After graduating from RVHS, Swee Heng enrolled in NUS Business School and started a
business venture that combines two of his passion: coffee and entrepreneurship. The
Coffee Roasters began in NUS campus in 2014 and soon expanded to a physical store
that makes specialty coffee in the Central Business District.
“The teachers in RV do a fantastic job of encouraging new approaches to addressing
an issue, and engages students in pro-active thinking.
Also, one of the most important lessons I came across lies in the school motto of 立德
立功 化愚化顽. I only had a deeper appreciation of it when I became an entrepreneur
and realised how it served as a constant reminder of what I should be doing”
Zong Guo – University of Stanford scholar
“If I were to use three words to describe teachers and
friends at RV, they would be: supportive, forward-
looking and liberal.”