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RVHS Staff Excellence

                Even the best-designed curriculum is useless without the right staff to deliver it effectively! River Valley High
                School teachers are highly capable professionals who are schooled in the unique River Valley Instructional
                Programme that has as its focus 21 century competencies. In a typical RV classroom, Critical Thinking
                is encouraged and there is always room for student participation and discussion. We also emphasise
                authentic learning experiences that connect the academic with current reality, delivered not just in the
                classrooms but beyond, in learning journeys, academies and attachments.

                                                       Principal  and  teachers  with  Dr  Tina  Blythe  (author
                                                       of ‘The Teaching for Understanding Guide’) at the
                                                       Project Zero conference in Pamplona, Spain,
                                                       Nov 2018

          Here are a few teachers who exemplify the education philosophy of River Valley High School.:

                                                 Tee Lay Hoon
                                                 My teaching philosophy and way of life is grounded on “kaizen” (改
                                                 善) i.e. iterative cycles of continual improvement.  I see the teacher
                                                 as a craftsman, each lesson bringing new insights and reflections on
                                                 how to hone the craft, our “best” work is in the making.  What makes
                                                 learning fun and joyful is when students are intellectually and socially
                                                 engaged  and  excited  about  new  knowledge  and  puzzle-solving
                                                 through experiential learning skilfully facilitated by the teacher.

               Chitra Jenardhanan
               I  believe  that  teaching  is  not  a  job;  it’s  a  profession.  As  a
               professional, one of the most interesting initiatives I have worked
               on  has  been  the  creation  of  the  Grow,  Excel,  Magnify  (GEM)
               framework for talent development. The challenge in coming up
               with this was to maintain the holistic spirit of education and ensure
               that  our  approach  spans  both  academic  and  non-academic
               dimensions of talent development.
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