Page 67 - My Father-Final Book
P. 67
Now, I shall write some miscellaneous things that I remember.
There was one large wooden chest that was kept in the room in the incense factory of Mr. Limaye, where my father worked at the end of his working life. This chest had several books. I did not know about this chest till I became 15. But, one day, a big barrel of perfume oil spilled and the oil was absorbed into the books, and therefore the chest was brought into our house. This chest had some books on astrology, yoga, religion. I particularly remember, a copy of Bhagavadgita, Vyavaharika Yoga, and Kamasutra. When I opened the book Vyavaharika Yoga, it immediately caught my attention and I started reading it at night. It had chapters on how the author got into Yoga due to some kind of bad habits and then became adept with a strong practice with one great Yoga Teacher. I used to read this book at night when all others went to sleep. On noticing that the light was on, my family used to ask me to go to sleep. This reading affected my life intensely as far as Yoga practice is concerned. I tried some practices in it and later developed them. It was interesting that the practice of Vajroli Mudra given in the book remained in my mind and that led to my celibacy during the college days. I also tried it just after my wedding foolishly. That is why I advise my students to lead a proper sexual life and not have excessive expectations in today’s world. Nevertheless, I am sure that the book helped me grow fast into Yoga and my father fully knew that I was reading that book. My father knew how to keep a control of how much practice I should do.
After the passing away of Krishnanatha Maharaj, my father was carrying the yogic powers given to him by his Guru for