Page 3 - ludlow E_proposal
P. 3


                                                                                                REACH   I   CONNECT   I   CONVERT

                     DEFINE                                 REACH                               ATTRACT

                    TARGETS                               TARGETS                               TRAFFIC

               Create Brand Awareness                Reach the potential buyers           Cater to customer demands
               Globally                              online. No more phonecalls
                                                     or face-to-face meetings
               Both purchasers and suppliers
               become digitally savy                 Scale up brand presence by           n      Offer consistent lifetime
                                                     focusing on 25 types of jute           economy to purchasers
               Channels for Targeting                products LJ manufactures. How?       n    Promote attractive &
                                                                                            distinct products
                                                     n    Promote marketing collaterals
               n  Search Engines                       such as the website, product       n    Reach the right people at
               n  Social Media                         mentions,images, videos,             the right time via the right
               n  Business Listings                    reviews, articles,                 n  channel
                                                                                              Up Sell & Win Back
                                                       e-brochures, etc.
               n   Digital Press Release             n   Publish relevant articles on       Campaigns
               n  Retail market                        various newspapers and
               n  Franchise                            online channels
                                                     n   Connect with potential
               n  Ground Events                        retailers and suppliers on
                                                       social media channels

                   GENERATE                                 DRIVE                                  ORM

                    E- LEADS                                SALES                                    &

               Leverage automated marketing           Mobilize ROI-focused                Online Reputation
               systems to generate and                strategy                            Management
               manage their leads
                                                      n  Monitoring Conversions           Integrating Customer
               Lead management for both
               existing and potential customers       n  Cost/Conversions                 Relation Management

                                                                                          n  Sales Force
               n  Lead nurturing                      n  Enhancing Lead Quality
                                                                                          n  Zoho Sales
               n  Remarketing                         n   Increasing - LTV
                                                                                          n  LeadSquare etc
               n  Retargeting                            (Life Time Value)
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