P. 3

editor's note

    A teacher of mine once told me that change is               Once of the most obvious changes, as you’ve

    the only constant in life. That’s certainly true            probably already noted, is our new logo, our
    for the entire editorial team here, which has               first in two years. We’ve also adopted a new

    spent the better part of a year working                     tagline, “ Be Heard ” which we think is a more
    tirelessly to change Discover for the better.               appropriate motto for us. Whether you read
    You saw evidence of that for yourself , when                us in print or online, you represent a
    we redesigned the site.                                     readership that loves and shares a deep,

                                                                abiding curiosity about the people around
    Now it’s the magazine’s turn: With our -Sept-               you. With every story we post here, with

    Oct, we’re unveiling a new look for TG. We                  every issue, with every day, we’re committed
    hope you like what you see.  Mr Nair , our                  to satisfying that curiosity.
    design director and Jessica , senior graphic

    designer worked hard to develop and
    implement a design that’s elegant, eye-                                        Prashant Kumar
    catching and easy to navigate.
                                                                                            Prashant Kumar
                                                                                          EDITOR IN CHIEF
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