Page 138 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 138
OFF THE – if still alive – ensure that the end results are
of suffi cient merit so as not to discredit the
performer or the original album.
These sets have to deliver the goods to
LEASH! justify the prices, so the norm is something
like this... 1) You get the original album on
two or more formats, often CD and vinyl,
with some including the album on Blu-ray
the original album on another disc. 3) A 5.1
KEN KESSLER TELLS IT LIKE IT IS..... audio. 2) A remastered or remixed version of
surround version if it dates from the era of
Ken Kessler suggests quadraphony. 4) A purist PCM stereo disc.
that we collectors are all 5) One or more CDs containing leftover
material, such as outtakes. 6) Other stuff
too happy to reinvest in related specifi cally to that album, including
music we already have singles of the period. 7) An unreleased live
performance. 8) And fi nally, if available, a
ecent data from the RIAA shows because the only hold-outs for CD are the video DVD or Blu-ray, usually containing one
that vinyl LPs outsold CDs in the remaining Baby Boomers. of those previously-broadcast ‘making of the
USA for the fi rst time in decades. They are now pensioners, arguably album’ documentaries.
RMight this suggest the possible retired, perhaps with empty nests and a bit Enabling all of these box sets are the
hastening of the latter format’s demise? of disposable dosh. Financial status aside, marketing man’s dream: anniversaries. These
I am not so sure. For a format which some they are the ones who tend to be the are one of the passage of time’s few gifts to
will argue is moribund at best, there’s still an collectors of physical media, not downloads, us, naturally-occurring markers to celebrate
awful lot of activity on that front. And you and among them are suffi cient completists past achievements, and they present
can be sure it’s not Gen-Xers and Millennials who are prepared to drop loads-a-money on opportunities for reissuing classics not just of
who are buying the newest CDs, for they are albums they already have. music albums, but also wines, wristwatches,
the demographic that, along with those cars, handbags and anything else with true
born more recently, migrated seamlessly THE RIGHT ROUTE history. It works because, even after 50
to streaming, or, more likely, never used Rubbing their hands with glee at these years, there are enough survivors from fi rst
physical formats for their listening pleasure. customers (and I am unapologetically one of time around who want to recall their youth.
them), the record labels tempt us with either
LAVISH LURES better sound quality via remastering, or the TICKING CLOCK
If there’s an irony (rather than desperation aforementioned unissued tracks. Better How else do you explain the 38CD, £700+
on the part of the record companies) in the sound and/or more material? Count me in! box of all the Woodstock performances
plethora of new CD box sets coming out, What John Lennon fan can resist an selling out, such that it now commands
it’s that they are aimed at the apocryphal expanded, multi-disc Imagine? Can any £1000-£3000 on eBay? Simple: nostalgia is
‘Fifty Quid Man’ who, 15 years ago, revived Marillion buff not be seduced by a 4-disc probably, after perceived prestige/ego
the music retailing biz by Clutching At Straws? Which reinforcement or imagined sex appeal, the
dropping into HMV on a ‘Better sound Jethro Tull addict isn’t blown biggest inducement to get someone to part
weekly basis to buy a CD or away by the expanded 40th with silly sums. And I speak as one who has
LP, perhaps even two or three, or unissued anniversary Aqualung? been caught so many times that I am
thus earning that moniker. Fortunately, to counter reluctant to admit it.
Only now it’s ‘Hundred bonus tracks? the most brazen greed There is, however, a ticking clock, which
Quid Man’, because the CD (McCartney’s deluxe Flaming is where we came in. Just as the demise of
sets to which I am referring Count me in!’ Pie takes the biscuit at a few CD seems inevitable and within the near
arrive as hugely expensive, hundred quid for what was a future, so are the Baby Boomers who are
multi-disc packages augmented by mediocre album to begin with), the majority buying box sets (forgive the alliteration)
previously unreleased material, lavish books of the anniversary sets are worthy additions looking at their inevitable shuffl ing off this
and facsimile memorabilia like reprinted to the catalogues of the respective artists mortal coil. So let these elderly music lovers
posters, replicas of 7in singles, badges and rather than desperate cash-ins. indulge in lavish CD packages, for it’s only
the like. Sadly, this milking of Hundred Quid In nearly every case, the right expert is a matter of time before they purchase the
Man is not so ironic: it’s a tad cynical chosen to curate the project, and the artists last boxes they’ll ever need.
î Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers î Vintage Review: Technics SB-7000 loudspeakers
î Investigation: Your guide to the ‘World of Jazz’
î Matrix Audio Element X network DAC
on sale 18 DEC î Mark Levinson N 5105 turntable î Behind the scenes: Rockfi eld Studios, Monmouth
î Line Magnetic LM-341A tube integrated î From The Vault: We crack open HFN’s archive
î Rotel ‘Tribute’ CD11/A11 CD player/amp î Vinyl Icon: Simple Minds’ New Gold Dream
138 | www.hifi | DECEMBER 2020