Page 27 - Hi-Fi_News_-_December_2020 video
P. 27

look at a row of them on the wall   RIGHT: Lawrie’s
         at Musicraft in London, and think,   SME Model
         “One day I’m going to have one of   20/2 turntable,
         those”. And in 1964, I did. I also got   which is fi tted
         the Decca Professional arm, and a   with an SME
         Garrard 301 turntable.        Series V arm and
           ‘I stayed with the Decca FFSS   Transfi guration
         cartridges for three generations.   Spirit 3 cartridge.
         When they were working, and the   It sits atop his
         record was good, they were magical.   Finite-Elemente
         When they weren’t, like the little girl   equipment rack
         with a little curl, they were horrid!
         In fact, I’m sure I destroyed a lot of
         records. But when it was good, my
         goodness there was nothing like it.’  BELOW: The
                                       Princess speaker
         AN EARLY MISTAKE              from boutique
         In 1971, Lawrie changed to a   high-end Danish
         Thorens TD 125 turntable and,   manufacturer   walked through a soundstage, of   bass from my Audio-Technica AT32E
         less successfully, to a Transcriptors   Peak Consult  sorts. The sound wasn’t coming from   cartridge. But I thought, when I
         unipivot arm. ‘It was at the                   the speakers, but from behind   can afford it, I’ll get an Ittok. Which
         time when the Transcriptors                        them. It wasn’t in an arc, but   I then did, followed by an Asak
         turntable had appeared in                           it was detached from the   cartridge, and later a Karma.’
         the fi lm A Clockwork Orange                         speakers. And I thought,   Lawrie had upgraded the Quad
         and I’d read that this was a                        “Well, one day…”.       303 to a 405, but was then seduced
         fantastic arm, fl uid-damped                           ‘At that time, I’d moved   by Conrad-Johnson valve power

         and all the rest. But it was a                      on to Celestion Ditton 25   amplifiers, an MV45 then an MV75A.
         pain to use, all fl ippy-fl oppy.’                    speakers but they were very   ‘It was Jim Dovey, at Acoustic Arts
           And not a good match                              disappointing. They had an   in Watford, who got me interested
         for the Decca, I take it?                           ABR [Auxiliary Bass Radiator]   in the “whole system” approach. I
           ‘It was awful. I think that                       and what they gave you was   heard the Krell PAM 7 preamp, which
         was what made me give up                            loads of woolly bass.   he’d put on as a reference while we
         on Deccas and go for SME                              ‘The three-way KLH 103   listened to alternative preamps. At
         and Shure. When I heard the                         loudspeakers                      the end of it, I said
         Shure V15, I didn’t think it                        sounded good,   ‘“At the end      “I want the Krell!”.
         was anywhere near as good                           so I went with                       ‘I also got the
         as a Decca at its best, but                         those. They   of the demo         SD Acoustics SD1
         it was consistent. I could                          had a fantastic                   speakers, with open-

         make it track, and I could                          finish. I’d had  I said ‘I want    baffle mid and ribbon
         play my records.’                                   them a long    the Krell!’”’      treble. They had a
           By then, Lawrie had                               time before I                     great depth of bass,
         changed his amplifi ers to                           realised that it                  but you needed to be
         Quad’s transistor pre/power                         wasn’t real wood. It was a   a decent distance away from them.
         combination, the 33/303.                            vinyl wrap! Eventually I got   Otherwise they didn’t integrate.
           ‘I don’t say it was better,                       Spendor SP1s, and now I   ‘And I moved from the Linn to the
         I don’t say it wasn’t as                            did have stereo. No depth   Oxford Crystelle. It came with a Rega
         good, it was a different                            to talk of, but there was a   RB250, and I used an Audio-Technica
         presentation. But at the                            spread of sound. Like a wall   Stilton, a cheap cartridge compared
         time, I wasn’t really getting                       behind the speakers, rather   with the Linn Karma. But the whole
         what I’d now call stereo.                           than an open hall, though.  set-up sounded much better.’
         I had two-channel with –                              ‘I’d had the Thorens TD
         sometimes – something in                            125 turntable upgraded   CRACKING ARM
         the middle! There was no                            at Metrosound, and it   Lawrie’s next step was to buy an
         sweep, no soundstage at all.                        was working well. But the   SME IV. ‘I thought it was a cracking
           ‘And it was years before I                        pressure to go to the Linn   arm, but eventually, in about 1998,
         had that. I was always aware                        Sondek was too great! I felt I   the turntable bearing packed up
         of two speakers playing,                            must be missing something.  – it juddered and jumped around!
         never heard the speakers                              ‘So when I’d piled up   The manufacturer had gone out of
         disappear. Until one day, I                         enough pennies, I got a   business, so that was the end of it.’
         heard Quad electrostatics.                             Linn. I used the Mission   Lawrie replaced that deck with a
           ‘That was in Imhofs, near                              774 arm, which I’d   Michell GyroDec SE, upgrading this
         Centre Point in the West                                 had on the Thorens,   with an Orbe platter and DC motor.

         End. I thought, “Hello,                                 the first arm that I’d   He found it better-sounding than the
         that’s different!”. I had                            heard giving thunderous   Crystelle – lower surface noise too.

                                                                                 DECEMBER 2020 | www.hifi | 27
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