Page 3 - Microsoft PowerPoint - gift guide
P. 3
The festive season is upon us, and he festive season is upon us, and
shopping for presents can be met hopping for presents can be met
with excitement, dread or anxiety. ith excitement, dread or anxiety.
Here at Snowflake Designs we
can’t do your shopping for you, an’t do your shopping for you,
but we can give you a few tips for ut we can give you a few tips for
c c c
choosing jewellery for someone hoosing jewellery for someone hoosing jewellery for someone hoosing jewellery for someone
else. lse.
First things first: RESEARCH! –
those cyber stalking skills have
not been developed in vain, now ot been developed in vain, now
i it’s time to put them to good use t’s time to put them to good use
and have a thorough rummage nd have a thorough rummage
through their social media photos hrough their social media photos
to get a sense of what your gift o get a sense of what your gift
recipient currently wears and
their style (the first few pages
here will guide you through what ere will guide you through what ere will guide you through what ere will guide you through what
h h h
to make note of!)
If they don’t have plenty of
photos floating in cyber space for hotos floating in cyber space for
your convenience, then you can our convenience, then you can
put your observation skills to
practice in real life too!