Page 7 - Prospective Member Packet
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Spiritual Leadership Institute
The CEO Forum Spiritual Leadership Ins tute (SLI) provides Christ-following CEOs and senior execu ves of major
companies a unique, high quality and contextually relevant leadership educa onal curriculum. At the heart of the SLI
curriculum and all educa onal experiences are challenging spiritual leadership development courses. These courses
integrate world class teaching, leadership case studies, intensive Bible study, the discipline of daily abiding, genuine
fellowship, dedicated prayer and personal disciplers. Each is tailored to the unique responsibili es and challenges
Chrihrist-following CEOs and senior execu ves face at home and in the marketplace. Our overall desire is to reach, disciple,
encourage and equip more CEOs and senior execu ves of major companies in their work as leaders of na onal influence
for God.
The founda onal course offering within SLI is en tled Becoming Spiritual Leaders of
Influence. This course is taught primarily by Dr. Richard Blackaby, noted author and
speaker, along with a team of teaching faculty from CEO Forum. It meets three mes
a year: from noon Thursday un l noon Friday. All students are responsible for
transporta on and hotel expenses. For CEO Forum members, all materials, teaching
and meal expenses are covered. For non-members, a tui on is charged. Each session
includes in-dencludes in-depth biblical teaching and study, case studies integra ng spiritual and
secular perspec ves, small group sessions, focused prayer me, communion and
meals together with your colleagues. One-on-one discipleship occurs between
One of the most meaningful and impac ul aspects of SLI courses is a discipleship rela onship between the student and
an SLI alumnus. You and your discipler will schedule a monthly call or an occasional in-person mee ng to discuss SLI
materials, pray and talk about other aspects of life/interest. This discipleship rela onship is a vital aspect of making
SLI courses very special in moving you toward becoming a spiritual leader of influence in your family, your community
and the global marketplace.
Spiritual Leaders of Influence Female (SLIF)
We are excited to have launched a new class of our Spiritual Leadership Ins tute this year. It is exclusively for female
CEOs and senior execu ves and is en tled Spiritual Leaders of Influence Female. This class meets at the Four Seasons
Hotel Atlanta. Cheryl Bachelder (CEO Forum member) is our Member-Leader for this course and Sheri Schulze is the
class facilitator. Cheryl is the former CEO of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen. She is also an
author and na onal speaker. Sheri is a licensed execu ve coach and wife to Ritz-Carlton founder, Horst Schulze.
D Dr. Richard Blackaby will deliver most of the course content along with select CEO Forum teaching faculty injected into
each class.
Sheri Schulze Cheryl Bachelder