Page 1 - Tiger Tail Catalog 2019
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Inventor Spring Faussett and the Story of Tiger Tail

 Learn the Secret of the Pros!

 Everyone asks, why   We’re already in 85% of NFL training rooms along with MLB, NBA, NHL and MLS.
 did I create Tiger Tail?  Look for our famous orange and black rollers everywhere!

 Am I a Physical Therapist?   Recommended and used daily by professional and elite athletes, athletic trainers, personal trainers,
 doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and on people just like you!
 A Massage Therapist?  No contest. We have the world’s best muscle care tools to make sore muscles happy—FAST!

 The fact is I'm neither. I'm an athlete
 who had a whole lot of pain from all the   Why Choose Tiger Tail
 sports I chose to play. I've played soccer
 for more than thirty years, including   PIONEERS
 Division 1 varsity at Washington   INVENTIVE PRODUCTS  IN THE WORLD
 State University.   We lead. Others just chase tail. We launched the first ever   Of Muscle
 hand-held foam roller and have been innovating ever since.   Tiger Tail USA Product Catalog
 I started coming up with inventions at 12 years old. Little did I know that   Recovery
 tearing my ACL would lead me to my next invention.   DESIGN, QUALITY, EFFECTIVENESS AND RESULTS
 After surgery, my physical therapist recommended I use a foam roller or rolling   Nothing can compare to our industry-leading,
 pin to reduce the pain and help me recover. The problem? I couldn’t get on the   award-winning, ergonomic design; the quality and
 ground. Then one day, I wondered what would happen if I crossed a rolling pin   eectiveness of our products; or the results we deliver in   Trusted by
 with a foam roller. So I did.  muscle care. All products are invented in-house.  MILLION
 A visit to The Home Depot® and $250 later, the first Tiger Tail was born. After I   INVESTING IN YOUR CUSTOMERS  DOLLAR
 created 125 and sold out at a local expo, I knew I was on to something.   We educate hundreds of thousands of your customers   Muscles
 at consumer and rehab professional tradeshows.
 I continued to build, sell, and repeat, ultimately making the first 20,000 Tiger
 Tail rollers in my garage. When I wasn’t able to keep up with the demand, I hired   CUSTOMER EDUCATION & SUPPORT
 a stellar manufacturing team here in the US who still uses the original   Do you work with physical therapy or chiropractic clinics?
 production process.   Tiger Tail supports medical-sponsored recovery clinics with   Product Line
 To date, I’m most happy to say that the Tiger Tail has made millions of   our “Recovery in a Bag” program. Co-branded educational   GREAT
 muscles happy. Your muscles are next!   materials available.   MARGINS

 *The Home Depot is a registered trademark of Home Depot Product Authority, LLC.  WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT
 Everything in our product line is patented or patent pending
 – with the exception of the book. That’s under copyright.
 Proud To Toot Our Own Horn!
 Proud To Toot Our Own Horn!  ALSO...
 •  Muscle Friendly. No spindles, beads, deep grooves or gaps   We Love
 That’s Tiger Tail on the COVER of
 That’s Tiger Tail on the COVER of     on any of our products. No pinched skin, no pulled hair,    Helping You!
 Runner’s World magazine in Sweden!
 Runner’s World magazine in Sweden!     no snagged clothing.   BEST IN
 •  Awesome Margins & Full Product Line. Low minimum   CLASS  Helps:
 Trusted by million-dollar muscles
 Trusted by million-dollar muscles … …    orders with mix and match program.  Customer
 • Outstanding Customer Service  Service  • Muscle Recovery  • Self-Help Muscle Compression
      • Relieve Sore Muscles                        • Dynamic Stretching/Warm-Up

 For more press coverage and testimonials, please visit us at:
 For more press coverage and testimonials, please visit us at:   10605 SE 240th Street, Ste 400, Kent, WA 98031  @TigerTailUSA #TigerTailUSA  • Soothe Stress and Tension • Trigger Point Release  Phone: 206.395.7811 •

 Trusted by Million-Dollar Muscles!®  Copyright ©2005-2019 Polar Fusion LLC. All rights reserved. ®Tiger Tail, the Tiger Tail logo, Knotty Tiger, The Classic, The Long One, The Roadster, Tiger Ball, The Big
 One, The Curve Ball, The Strappy Tiger, I     Happy Muscles!, Happy Muscles,Trusted by million-dollar muscles, Gription, and Really Awesome Massage Tools are
 trademarks and registered trademarks of Tiger Tail USA and Polar Fusion LLC.
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