Page 5 - Tiger Tail Catalog 2019
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 Helps:   • Warming up and cooling down  • Increase blood flow to the muscles  • Massage hard-to-reach muscles,   • The ball is a very firm, grippy and has   • The rope allows you to position the   •  Tiger Tail continues to innovate with   • Deep tissue muscle massage for your   • Firm and smooth surface glides
 • Muscle recovery  • Self-help muscle compression  • Saves fingers and hands from fatigue    especially in the shoulders, upper   smooth massage surface  massage tool exactly where you want it,   new self-help massage tools for your     hard-to-reach muscles    over clothing
 • Relieve sore and sti¡ muscles   • Dynamic stretching   • Achieve deep tissue massage     and lower back, and glutes  • Provides deep, penetrating massage  and keeps the ball from falling  sore muscles  • Saves fingers and hands from fatigue
 • Soothe stress and tension  • Trigger point release

 Massage-On-A-Rope — 1.7" Ball                Stationary Foam Roller
 22" Massage Foam Roller
 This tool is perfect for smaller muscles                                        Throwing a Curve at Deep Tissue
 found in the feet or in the shoulders.
 22"                                                                             Muscle Massage
 Simply press the ball into the muscle, lean   Hips                              This patent-pending inventive tool o¡ers
 up against a wall or lie down on the ground.                                    stable and controlled deep muscle massage
 Calves  Hamstrings  Quads  Perfect for busting out knots, trigger points and sore muscles in the feet, back,
 Sometimes Size Matters – Massage Tool for Broader Back and Shoulders            on hard-to-reach muscles in the shoulders,
 Less flexible? Broader back and shoulders? This is the size for you! Perfect for back   Foot  Back  shoulders, and other spots that want deep pressure. 1.7" massage surface,   Glutes  back, glutes and hamstrings. The orange,

 massage or massaging your buddy. 22" long, 14" massage surface. UPC 892255000627  55" long rope, 0.2" thick rope. UPC 892255000726  flat base is grippy, which means it won't
 The Tiger Ball® 2.6                                                             slide around. It stays in one place allowing
 2.6" Massage Surface  Massage-On-A-Rope — 2.6" Ball                             for sustained traction on the muscle. Curved
 18" Massage Foam Roller (Our Most Popular)                                      massage surface provides targeted muscle
 Have a muscle knot you just can’t reach in
 The Tiger Ball® 1.7  your upper back, lower back or shoulders?                  care and relief of minor muscle aches and
 Glutes  IT Bands  Feet  18"  1.7" Massage Surface  Lean up against a wall or lie down on the   soreness while the surface glides on clothes so you can move around and target
 ground and simply press away. Also perfect   surrounding muscle knots. Use it against a wall and add pressure, or use it by laying
 for massaging and busting out muscle knots   down on a surface and let gravity do its work. Dimension: 5.5" L x 5.5" W x 3.25" H.
 in the piriformis, hamstrings, hips, glutes   Lower Back  Upper Back  UPC 892255000689
 The Original Portable Massage Stick - Whole Body Massage Tool from Head to Toe   and other spots wanting deep pressure.
 Perfect for personal use, it works great for both upper and lower body massage.
 Quickly massage any part of the body without getting down on the ground. Firm   2.6" massage surface, 55" long rope,   Back and Shoulder Rub
 design—no bending or breaking. 18" long, 10" massage surface. UPC 892255000610  0.3" thick rope. UPC 892255000665
 Lower Back  Upper Back  Neck
 Foam Roller Ball — 5" Ball                                                     The Knotty Tiger is a hand-held massage
 11" Massage Foam Roller  The Tiger Ball 5.0 is lightweight, great for          tool that simulates elbow massage technique
                                                                                – for tough and tight muscles. Great on the
 travel, and perfect for bigger muscle groups,                                  neck, shoulder, back, pecks, biceps, arm,
 such as hamstrings, hips, glutes, back, and   Forearm  Lower Back              hip, IT band, and other small muscles. This
 Upper Back  Lower Back  shoulders. Ball massage surface provides               powerful little Knot Buster® massage tool is
 targeted muscle care and relief of minor                                       designed to fit perfectly into the palm of the
 Bicep   Shoulder  Tricep/Forearm  Powerfully Portable – Travel Size Massage Tool   muscle aches and soreness. Use your weight   hand with non-slip grip feature. Three trigger
 (buddy)  Your new travel companion massage tool. All the power of the Tiger Tail Portable   as leverage and roll away. The ball won't change shape despite the pressure or body   point curves to apply di¡ering amounts of
 Foam Roller in a smaller package. Packs easily into sports bags, travel bags,   weight. Use on the floor, chair, bed or wall. 5.0" massage surface. UPC 892255000733  pressure. Saves your hands and fingers from
 cars…even in o­ce drawers. Plus it’s a fantastic foot massager! 11.5" long, 7.25"   fatigue! Hard, firm and smooth surface glides
 massage surface. UPC 892255000641                                              over clothing. 2.75" massage surface with 3

 Hips  Shoulder          Upper Arm                                              trigger point curves for di¡erent pressures.
 The King of Foam Rollers                                                       UPC 892255000634

       EDUCATION                              Self-Help Guide to Un-knot Muscle Pain

 TOPICAL ANALGESIC   Glutes  Upper Back  Lower Back  •  Muscle education is key in   Do you know that many headaches are
       understanding muscle recovery
 OINTMENTS  Pain Relief Balm and Pain Relief Serum  •  Tiger Tail is commited to make muscle   caused by muscle tension and muscle knots
       education accessible for everyone                                         in the upper back and shoulders? This
 •  Tiger Tail specially formulated   The FixOwNow™ – Pain Relief Balm is a fantastic addition to your muscle care regimen.   trouble-shooting guide features more than
 Super Sturdy Design – Made with Thick, Heavy-Duty Foam  balm and serum soothe sore   This specially formulated balm may help loosen tight muscles prior to workout and   250 pain-mapping muscle knot illustrations.
 Break up trigger points and release muscle tightness. Great for sore backs, IT bands,   and tight muscles  soothe aches after workout. Key Essential Oils: Arnica, Camphor, Rosemary, Lavender,   It illustrates pain patterns, muscle knot
 glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves and more. Built to last with Tiger Tail’s stamp of   •  We used key essential   locations, and self- help treatments for the
 quality. Won’t break down. Rigid hollow core, durable foam cover. Sleek and powerful.   oils and ingredients   Peppermint and more. UPC 892255000870  entire body — from head to toe in an
 Easy to clean. 15" long, 5.5" wide. UPC 892255000719  to help relieve your   The FixOwNow™ – Pain Relief Serum is a highly-concentrated serum to loosens tight   easy-to-follow format.
 muscle pain                                                                     UPC 892255000672
 muscles. The water-based formula helps keep your skin residue-free. Key features:
 Water-based, MSM, Magnesium Chloride, Arnica, Menthol. UPC 892255000887         ISBN #978-0-692-30150-0
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