Page 43 - Korney Board Aids Catalog 2019
P. 43                                                                     VOLLEYBALL                43


                                                                      PASS CATCHER               SPIKE CHALLENGER
                                        BLOCK BLASTER
      TARGET CHALLENGER              • Two separate blocking devices that   • Training aid for precision passing &      ..  • Ideal for ball contact, arm swing,
    • Ideal for passing, setting, or shooting.    secure to the net for a controlled block        setting drills  & footwork training techniques, re-
                                                                                                petitive hitting drills & conditioning
    • Adjustable pole height up to 12'   • Made of nylon netting & a sturdy   • Net suspended target that attaches net   exercises.    • Pre-positioned ball &
    • Target ring measures 30"       metal frame                • Lightweight & secures to net with clips   cord system that creates the perfect
    • Sturdy net collects balls for easy retrieval.   • Dual blocking areas measure     &  fasteners.     "set" every time. • Includes weight
    • Includes 22 lb wt for stability & 2 wheels for easy  18''x12'' & 18''x23''  • Target: 33½'' x 37'' x 12''  for stability & 2 wheels for easy
    portability.                     • Use for hitting placement or as a                        portability. • Adjustable pole height
    • Pictured with Colossal Cart, purchase separate  coverage tool in blocking drills   PASSCATCHER  ....$134.99 ea   FOB Freight
    TCHALLENGER   ......... $349 ea  TSBLOCK  .....$199.99 ea                                   SPIKECHALL ......$599 ea

                                          CATCH -IT    ™
                                      Develop & perfect the skills of passing,
                                      setting, serving & spiking.                                  SPIKE TRAINER
                                      • Adjustable target that collects balls
                                      • 4' square target hoop adjusts from                       • Teach proper hitting technique.
                                      5'-11' &  rotates from horizontal to                       • Holds the ball securely in place
                                      vertical.                                                  while the attacker develops form
          QUAD BLOCKER                • Strong durable steel construction  BLOCKING HANDS        & hitting techniques.
     •Consists of 4 separate blocking units that secure   • 4 locking casters.    • Create a controlled block every time  • Economical, lightweight, &
                                      Accessories shown....Catch-It BaskIt™ purchase separately.
     to the net for controlled block  E6500  ......................  $769.00 ea  • Set of 2" pads with hand straps  durable.
     •Use for hitting placement drills or coverage tool   BaskIt........................ $199.95 ea  TS-ST  ...$119.99 ea
     in blocking drills
     QUADBLOCK.......................$219.99 ea                 8565............................$41.99 pr

                                       VOLLEYBALL PAL                    "SET IT"                     PASS RITE
       BUNGEE BLOCKER                 • Practice serving arm swing tech-  SETTER GLOVES          • Prevent upward arm movement
                                      nique for hours without having
                                      to chase a ball.  • Velcro® strap   Volleyball Setter Training Gloves help play-  when passing
     Use to improve hitting placement or as a                   ers with correct finger technique.  Designed to   • Durable elastic bands attaches
     coverage tool in blocking drills.    secures around the waist with a   help players concentrate on the fingers in set-  to the passer’s wrists & ankles.
     Perfect for team drills and allows more    cord that attaches to the Neoprene   ting & will help strengthen & develop fingers   ®
     interaction with players         pouch that holds the volleyball.    and muscle memory. Designed with a button   • Small, lightweight Velcro
     • Sturdy, lightweight aluminum design allows   • Smooth action of the elastic cord   in the palm that will cause mishandling of the   adjustable wrist cuffs designed to
                                      guides the ball back to the player
     for easy handling & use.            every time after "serve".    volleyball if it comes into contact with the ball.     minimize ball contact
     BUNGEE..................$119.95 ea                         • Adjustable in size
                                      VBALLPAL.....$20.95  ea   SETIT.................................$19.95 pr     PASSRITE..........$25.99 ea
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