Page 3 - Porter Volleyball 2018
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                        or 150 years, Porter has been manufacturing   steel rail, which he debuted at the Chicago Word’s
                    Finnovative, durable, and adaptable products.   Fair. This rail along with his new carrier could run
                     Porter’s roots run deep in the agricultural   on a curved track and introduced never before
                     world but today we thrive on engineering and   seen configurations and applications for use
                     manufacturing athletic facility equipment for top   outside of barns.
                     level competition.  All along Porter has been an
                     industry leader; from our origins of producing   By this time the new sport of basketball was
                     farm equipment to today’s Powr-Touch  5 wireless   growing quickly as was the construction of
                     gymnasium control system. Porter has excelled 150   model playgrounds. Porter continued making
                     years in manufacturing because of our foundation   barn equipment into the 1920’s as it transitioned
                     of innovation. This is our history:           into manufacturing basketball, gymnasium
                                                                   and playground equipment. In 1939, Porter’s
                     In the fall of 1856, Joseph E. Porter was storing hay   playground apparatus was chosen exclusively
                     at his father’s farm. The work was done manually   for the Children’s World at World’s Fair in New
                     with a pitchfork and was very time and labor   York. By the 1940’s Porter was the world’s largest
                     intensive.  Convinced there was an easier way,   manufacturer of playground, gymnasium and
                     he began working on a solution and ultimately   swimming pool equipment.
                     invented the Porter Hay Carrier. This revolutionary
                     device gained him a national reputation as an   Porter’s story is one of innovation and growth.
                     inventor and pioneer of hay tool manufacturing.    Today the Porter brand is dominant among
                     In 1868, the J.E. Porter Company of Ottawa, IL   architects and facility owners because of our
                     was established for the manufacture of pulleys,   proven product performance and durability.
                     hardware and hay loft equipment.  Porter was   We don’t just build basketball, volleyball and
                     awarded several patents and remains renowned in   gymnasium equipment; we offer total facility
                     the agricultural community.                   equipment solutions. We design our equipment
                                                                   with the safety and performance of athletes at the
                     In 1893, J.E. Porter became a stockholder and   forefront of our minds. We care about the success
                     president of the Inland Steel Company of Chicago   of our customers and work relentlessly to maintain
                     Heights. Inland Steel made Porter’s radical new   their trust and confidence in Porter equipment.

                                     150 YEARS

                                                of Porter Ingenuity!
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