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Physical Education Equipment
Note: Due to difference in wall construction, Jaypro Sports does not provide
anchors or mounting hardware to attach the wall stringers to gymnasium
walls. Consult your architect or contractor to determine the best and safest
installation methods for your facility.
Wall-Mounted Gym Ladder INDOOR GYMNASIUM
Ideal for developing physical fitness, strength and coordination.
> Steel frame with welded supports for strength and durability
> Powder coated black finish is textured for safety
> Inner braces provide stability for lateral movement
> Ladder is attached with wood stringers (included) and is
additionally supported with a heavy duty chain
> Frame extends 48” from wall
> Dimensions: 18”W x 12”L
WML-100 187 lbs $1,715 each FR 3Y
Vertical Climbing Ladder Wall Grid Climber
> 15/16” OD steel tubing construction > 15/16” OD steel tubing construction
> Powder coated black finish is textured > Powder coated black finish is
for safety textured for safety
> Heavy-duty wall mounting plates > Grid is 4 x 5 rows with 6” pattern
> Dimensions: 22”W x 60’L > Heavy-duty wall mounting plates
WVL-7 77 lbs WGC-20 72 lbs
$339 each FR 3Y $478 each FR 3Y
Adjustable Wall Jump Rope Rack
Mounted Chinning Bar Keep jump ropes untangled
Ideal for elementary through university and ready for use.
level use. > Wall-mounted all steel
> Provides 2’ of height adjustment in construction with powder
coat finish
6” increments
27” long with (5) 10” long
> All-welded 30”W steel frame with > pegs
powder coat finish
EWM-30 28 lbs $249 each 3Y PE-110 7 lbs $45 each 3Y
A. Natural Manila Rope: Superior quality manila offers the best grip and durability M
B. Polypro Unmanila Rope: Same look and feel as manila with added strength and
reduced weight N
C. Polyplus Rope: Soft, lightweight and has excellent moisture and UV resistance characteristics T: 800-243-0533 F: 800-988-3363
D. Whipped End: Standard wrapped end to prevent unraveling Climbing Rope Accessories
E. Polyboot End: Poly cover permanently attached to the end to prevent unraveling
F. Leather Seat on Turk Knot End: Provides stable starting point for beginner climbers 1Y K. SCA-1 Safety Cable
L. RN-1 Rope Hoist
STEP 1: D E F STEP 2: Select Knot Style M. A-3 Adjustable I-Beam Clamp
Select Rope A CR-1 CR-2 CR-3 G. BK-1 Beginner (large) Knots N. L-1 Q uick Link
B CRP-1 CRP-2 CRP-3 H. RGK-1 Rest/Grip Knots 113
C CRD-1 CRD-2 CRD-3 J. RB-1 Rubber Ball Call for Additional Details and Pricing
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