Page 5 - Nokona Catalog 2020
P. 5



 steerhide  KANGAROO  CAIMAN

 Premium-grade, full-grain Steerhides,   Sourced from wild-range Australian   American Caiman provides a unique look
 sourced from American ranchers, tanned   kangaroos, Nokona has been making gloves   and feel, and is ideal for parts of your
 to our long-standing specifications, and   with this unique leather for over 50 years.   Custom Nokona. The rigid reptilian scales,
 offered in Walnut   [our signature   Kangaroo is a high-performance and   combined with its flexible portions, provide
 Steerhide, known for its classic “Crunch”   specialized leather that is stronger and   an exceptional leather for the palm liner of
 look and feel]; Buckskin Stampede    lighter-weight than any other ballglove   your ballglove, for its superior grip and
 [infused with proprietary oils and waxes   leathers at the same thickness. Kangaroo   customized feel.
 for a soft and pliable, yet dense feel];    fibers interlock for greater strength,
 and Generation™ [our pro-grade   this leather is soft and flexible, and
 Steerhide, with a vintage, golden finish].   resists the effects of perspiration.
 When combining Kangaroo Leather with   Full grain
 americankip ™
 our Steerhides, we call it Buckaroo™.
 AMERICAN    AmericanKIP  is the finest American
 BISON  JAPANESE    Japanese and European ‘kip’ leather, in
 steerhide, with similar characteristics to
 Similar in strength to our Steerhide leathers,   CALFSKN ™  that it is both light-weight and nicely
 American Bison has a distinct grain, and    structured. This high-performing leather is
 is flexible and soft, for easy break-in. Ideal   Our CalfSKN™ leather comes from   durable, has a buttery feel, and is a top
 for Select gloves, and for Adults who are   specialty-tanned Japanese Calfskin that   choice among our pro players.
 looking for a durable, flexible, and easy-to-  has  very tight fibers and fine pores.
 break-in glove. American Bison is also a   This leather holds vibrant colors very well,
 light-weight performance leather.   and results in a very smooth appearance
 that is extremely light-weight. Ideal for   NOKONA
 professional, college, high-school, and club   SUPERSOFT ™
 players looking for high performance gloves.
 SuperSoft  is Nokona’s newest,
 specialty-tanned Steerhide. This veg-tan
 leather is made with an organic tanning
 method that uses natural materials to
 cure and preserve the hide. SuperSoft
 has  great flexibility and softness.

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