Page 5 - Markwort Catalog 2019
P. 5

Total Control Balls

                                  Air Safety Youth Baseballs     If You Want To Hit the Ball Harder And Further
                                                                      Than Ever Before- Hit The TCB Ball And
                                                   KWLBA                    See The Amazing Difference!
                                                                   INSTANT FEEDBACK     LIMITED SPACE REQUIRED    NO GLOVE REQUIRED
                                                                 PERFECT WEIGHTED DESIGN    STRENGTH & DEVELOPMENT    COST EFFECTIVE
                                                                 LONG LASTING & WASHABLE    SAFE FOR ALL BATS    SOFT TOSS WITHOUT NET

                                                                Hole Ball 8.0
                                                                80 Grams 3.2" Diameter
                                                                Wiffle style  ball that gives the hitter instant  feedback.
                                                                For fastpitch or baseball. Long lasting. Hits and
                                      PROA                      throws better with same flight as ordinary plastic
                                                                balls. Optimum for use with front toss method.
                                                                Made from same base material as the TCB ball.
                                                                NOT FOR USE IN PITCHING MACHINES.
                                                                TCBYH80-12 (TCB-12L-YH-80) $76.80    12 BALL BOX
       SC11                                                     TCBYH80-24 (TCB-24L-YH-80) $141.60 24 BALL BOX
                                                                TCBYH80-48 (TCB-48L-YH-80) $268.80 48 BALL BOX
                                                                Hole Ball 7.4
                                                                70 Grams 2.9" Diameter
                                                                NOT FOR USE IN PITCHING MACHINES.
                                                                TCBYH74-12 (TCB-12L-YH-74) $76.80    12 BALL BOX
                                                                TCBYH74-24 (TCB-24L-YH-74)  $141.60 24 BALL BOX
                                                                TCBYH74-48 (TCB-48L-YH-74)  $268.80 48 BALL BOX
                                                                Mini TCB Hole Ball 5.0
                          S1C                                   25 Grams Golf Ball Size
                                        87B                     Slightly bigger than a golf ball. NOT FOR USE  IN
                                                                PITCHING MACHINES.
                                                                TCBYH50-12 (TCB-12L-YH-50) $56.40  12 BALL BOX
                                                                TCBYH50-24 (TCB-24L-YH-50) $93.60  24 BALL BOX
       High Tech Softballs        Kenko World                   TCBYH50-48 (TCB-48L-YH-50) $177.60 48 BALL BOX
       Yarn wound. Rubber cover. Full flight. White.  True performance. Sure grip. Simulated leather.
       12" cork center   MSP .47  KWLBA  (Reg size & wt)  5 oz  9" .... $94.00 DZ
       SC12 ................. $148.00 DZ  WC85      8.5"  4.5 oz   ............. $94.00 DZ  TCB Balls 8.2
       12" 2nd grade cork center  White   ProA 9.0                                       425 Grams 3.2" Diameter
       MSP .47                    Regulation size and weight. Dimpled cover. Low         Designed to develop maximum strength and drive through
       SC3 .................. $148.00 DZ  bounce. 5 oz  9"                               the hitting zone. Can be used for both fastpitch softball or
       11" cork center   GWSP .47  PROA   White  .................. $90.00 DZ            baseball.  Used for both front and side  toss.  The optimum
                                  PROAO  PROA Orange  ........... $90.00 DZ
       SC11 ................. $130.00 DZ                                                 use is when the front toss method is used. With its weighted
       10" cork center   5 oz     87B    KENKO 8.7B  8.75"  4.75 oz  $88.00 DZ           design, start out slowly with 3 to 6 solid hits and increase to
                                        KENKO 8.5C  8.5"  4.5 oz  $86.00 DZ
       S1C .................. $128.00 DZ  80D   KENKO 8.0D  7.8"  4.0 oz   $86.00 DZ     maximum of 18 to 24 solid hits in one hitting session.
                                                                                                                 3 BALL BOX
                                                                                         TCB82-03 (TCB-03L-82) .........$45.00
                                                                                         TCB82-06 (TCB-06L-82) .........$72.00   6 BALL BOX
                                                                                         TCB82-12 (TCB-12L-82) .........$142.00  12 BALL BOX
          KTBS Scarlet Red
                                                                                         TCB Baseballs 7.4
                                                                                         425 Grams 2.9" Diameter
          KTBM Yellow                                                                    TCB74-03 (TCB-03L-74) .........$45.00   3 BALL BOX
                                                                                         TCB74-06 (TCB-06L-74) .........$72.00   6 BALL BOX
                                                                                         TCB74-12 (TCB-12L-74) .........$142.00  12 BALL BOX
          KTBL Royal Blue
     Kenko Soft Urethane Bats                                                            TCB Baseballs 7.4 PRO
     KTBS  Scarlet  15 oz  27"     2.0"  dia.  $37.00 EA                                 525 Grams 2.9" Diameter
     KTBM Yellow  18 oz  29.5"  2.25" dia.  $49.00 EA     KT11                           Designed to develop maximum strength and drive through
     KTBL  Royal  21 oz  32.5"  2.30" dia.  $50.00 EA                                    the  hitting  zone.  2.9” in  diameter  and  weighs  525 grams,
                                                                                         which is 100 grams heavier than the original Baseball Sized
                                                                                         Total Control Ball. Can be used for both fastpitch softball or
                                                                                         baseball. Heavier weight for the senior high, college and pro
                                                                                         player. Stronger design. No silica fillers
     Kenko Soft Tee Balls         KT9                                                    TCB74PRO-03 (TCB-03L-74-P525G) $80.80   3 BALL BOX
     KT9   9"  Light Green Baseball ....  $48.00 DZ                                      TCB74PRO-06 (TCB-06L-74-P525G) $136.60 6 BALL BOX
     KT11  11" Light Green Softball. . . . .   $58.00 DZ
     KT12  12" Light Green Softball. . . . .   $68.00 DZ
                                                                Atomic Ball
                                                                The Strength Builder
                                                                900 Grams 4.70" Diameter
                                                  KT12          Can be used for both fastpitch softball or baseball. Used
                                                                for side toss or tee work only. With its heavy weighted
                                                                design, start out slowly with 3 to 6 hits and increase to
                                  14" Softball - Yellow         maximum of 12 in one hitting session.
                                  Polyurethane with natural rubber center. Raised   TCB120-03 (TCB-03L-120)  $70.20  3 BALL BOX
                                  seam. Weighs 230 grams (± 5)   Japan  TCB120-06 (TCB-06L-120)  $122.40   6 BALL BOX
                                  S14YUR  Yellow................... $33.40 EA  TCB120-12 (TCB-12L-120)  $232.80 12 BALL BOX

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