P. 97
The Message Flow – Value ‘Hypothesis’
PESTEL Analysis Drivers What internal or external drivers are
Analysts Reports Goals influencing or affecting your customers’
Challenges (and stakeholder’s) strategy?
Stakeholder Analysis
Company Website What are your customer’s goals in light of
KPI Exercise these internal or external drivers?
And what are their KPIs / success
Account Research measures?
Structured Business Conversation
What obstacles are preventing them or
SWOT Analysis making it difficult for them to achieve these
goals and KPIs?
Structured Business Conversation What tangible or intangible benefits could
Known Benefits from Cisco Products they see if you helped them overcome these
challenges, i.e. what are the business
Value outcomes related to the goals & KPIs?
Case Studies For whom have you helped solve a similar
problem? And what confirmed benefits/ROI
did they experience?