Page 61 - Partner Business Transformation Workshop Refresh
P. 61

Primary investment areas

Operations                             Training (Technical/Sales)            Leadership

• Several solution providers have      • Educate the sales team about        • Assign a knowledgeable leader
  stated that adding a basic NOC         selling to business owners, Opex      who can help the organization
  and managed services allowed           vs. CapEx, and benefits of cloud      drive real change
  them to be more easily prepared
  for XaaS Solutions                   • Customers need advice about         • Many solution providers created
                                         Cloud Services and a traditional      a separate organization to
• A customer portal with metering        technical “just in time” response     initially drive focus
  and billing is essential for volume    is often inadequate. Investment
  Cloud Services                         is required in advance of

Marketing                              Intellectual Property                 Professional Services

• Education, thought leadership,       • Recurring revenue provides          • Invest in building a deep
  website updates and social             greater value for the organisation    professional services practice
  media improvements were the                                                  that will enable the sale of cloud
  most common marketing                • Consider making investments in        solutions with pre-sale services
  investments                            acquisition of packaged services,
                                         application development and         • Look to package services to
                                         implementing vertical extensions      deliver defined outcomes rather
                                                                               than traditional T&M
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