Page 41 - Merry Barbara " Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 41

34 < Marlinspike Sailor’s Knots and Crafts

                    keep the wraps in line and neat,  Dog Toy                               ate a monkey’s fist knot (see

                    I use either a strip of masking   This is a great dog toy. The two      the doorstop project). Use one
                    tape or wire garden ties. Some-  loose ends will turn into fringe,      of the strands for each set of
                    times I use both because the    adding another element of interest      wraps. Use the pins to hold the
                    cordage is prone to slipping off   to the dog. He or she has a choice:   knot in place on the ball as you
                    the rock.                                                               work on it.
                                                    do I carry the toy by the ball or by
                  8> This last series of wraps is the   the fringe?                       3> When you finish the knot, sew
                    knot’s finish. Make still another                                       the neck of the rope just under
                    right-angle turn and slide the    2½-inch-diameter hard rubber          the ball to keep the rope from
                    end of the rope between the         ball                                unraveling. Sew the working
                    rock and the first layer of wraps.   16 feet of  ⁄8-inch cotton rope    ends of the strands in place
                    Go out and over the second        sewing needle and heavy cotton        under the wrap.
                    layer of wraps, preventing          thread
                    them from slipping away, then     sharp knife or scissors           Watch or Key Fob
                    under the second half of the      ruler                               1-inch-diameter wooden ball,
                    first set of wraps, and then over   masking tape (to help hold the
                    the second part of the second       rope in place while the knot is     available in crafts stores
                    layer of wraps.                                                       7 feet of #48 cotton seine twine
                                                        being tied)                       sewing needle and heavy cotton
                  9> Continue wrapping until you      T pins
                    have four passes.                                                       thread
                                                                                          sharp knife or scissors
                  10> When you have finished the    Follow these steps to make a dog
                    knot, remove any visible tape   toy.                                  ruler
                    or garden ties. Then draw out                                       The watch or key fob is an ever-
                    all the slack and clip the ends     1> Unravel several inches of rope   so-popular novelty. Sailors around
                    close. It’s perfectly OK to alter   at one end. Tie off the neck of   the world in all branches of service
                    the number of wraps on one or       the unraveled part with a piece   can make the monkey’s fist key or
                    all three layers. I’ve done that    of cotton thread (see photo).   watch fob. Look at the photo on
                    on the larger rock shown on       2> Wrap the unraveled ends        the first page of this chapter to see
                    the chapter opening photo.          around the rubber ball to cre-  the key fob.

                The dog toy tied with a manrope knot.
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