Page 95 - Merry Barbara " Marlinspike Sailor's Arts and Crafts"
P. 95
88 < Marlinspike Sailor’s Knots and Crafts
Canvas Letter Holder vertical threads from the left and right sides of
the flap.
This fancy snail-mail pouch is a way to show off your
marlinspike skills when you are heading back to the 2> Fold back the left side of the canvas ½ inch and
boat from the post office. Or tie it to your favorite sew it closed.
lounging chair as a holder for your remote controls. 3> Fold the piece of canvas lengthwise in half so that
18-inch by 12-inch piece of canvas its height is now 9 inches.
white glue 4> Fold the front piece of the canvas in half again to
sewing needle and heavy cotton thread create a 4 ½-inch flap made of canvas and fringe.
cord for hanging 5> Fold back the right side of the canvas ½ inch and
scissors sew it closed to make the pouch for the mail.
ruler If you want to use grommets to hold your pouch,
grommets and decorative flat knots (optional) then follow these steps:
Follow these steps to create the canvas letter holder: 1> Fold back the top of the canvas ½ inch and sew it
to create a neat hem.
1> Pull out horizontal (weft) threads at the bottom
3 inches of the wide side of the canvas (you can 2> Insert grommets in the top left and right corners of
pull out as much as 4 ½ inches depending on the pouch.
how you will use the fringe). Cut ½ inch of the 3> Now you can hang the pouch over hooks.
A letter holder can be decorated using a variety of knotting skills. The fringe shown here is alternating square knots.