Page 27 - INC Magazine-November 2018
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                  the burden placed on a                appily for SMB owners,      needs in this area and making a list of
                   business owner to stay               outsourcing this burden is   must-have and nice-to-have features,
                 in compliance is growing         hgenerally a simple proposition.   Gearty suggests. Be sure to ask
                 quickly, and a mistake of        “There are so many payroll and payroll-  candidates about the specific services
                enough magnitude could            related outsourcing options, many   they provide, related fee structures, the
                 prove extremely painful.         available through a single provider,”   type and scope of available support,
                                                  Bottini says. “There is no one-size-fits-all   and what kind of help will be provided in
                     Tom Gearty, Senior Vice President of
                 Traditional Employment Solutions, Insperity  approach for businesses because not all   implementing the solution, he adds.
                                                  businesses are the same. The best thing   The solution’s underlying technology
                                                  for business owners to do is to work with   and accessibility from both desktop
                                                  a provider who has the ability to deliver   and mobile devices are other important
                                                  solutions that are tailored to their needs,   considerations, Bottini says, as are the
                                                  scalable and flexible to move and grow   provider’s depth of experience and
                                                  with them, and offer them the greatest   its ability to identify and respond to
                                                  value for the solutions provided.”  changing compliance regulations.

                                                  timing is                         there is no one-size-fits-all
                                                  everything                        approach for businesses
                                                                                    because not all businesses
                                                  Startup businesses should think   are the same. the best
                                                  about engaging an outsourced payroll   thing for business owners
                                                  services provider from day one. Existing   to do is to work with a
                                                  businesses looking to switch from a   provider who has the
                                                  do-it-yourself approach to an outside   ability to deliver solutions
                                                  provider, or from an existing provider to   that are tailored to their
                                                  a new one, should consider the timing.   needs, scalable and
                                                  “While you can switch payroll services   flexible to move and grow
                                                  at any time throughout the year, the   with them, and offer them
                                                  start of a new quarter or calendar year   the greatest value for the
                                                  is generally the easiest time,” Cumbee
                                                  explains. That approach will minimize   solutions provided.
                                                  the amount of manual data entry   Mark Bottini, Senior Vice President of Sales
                                                                                    at Paychex.
                                                  required to document prior wages. “If
                                                  you plan to switch in the middle of a   Cumbee notes that the payroll
                                                  quarter, you will want to ask if your new   services market is going through an
                                                  provider will offer assistance in entering   evolution, with many players moving
                                                  prior-to-service wages,” he advises.  toward bundled human capital
                                                    SMBs going through the selection   management (HCM) solutions, which are
                                                  process for a payroll services provider   needed by midsize and large companies
                                                  should start by assessing their own   but may not be the best fit for micro or
                                                                                    small businesses. Matching your needs
                                                                                    to the services you pay for maximizes
                                                                                      There are many good reasons
                                                                                    for SMBs to contract with a payroll
                                                                                    services provider. Not only can you
                                                                                    reduce your exposure to missed
                                                                                    filing deadlines and the penalties
                                                                                    they trigger, you’ll also free up time
                                                                                    to devote to more business-strategic
                                                                                    activities and benefit from increased
                                                                                    employee satisfaction and morale.
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