Page 13 - HBR's 10 Must Reads - On Sales
P. 13

            Idea in Brief

            When is a buyer not really a buyer?   and offers six behavioral clues
            How can the best product at the   for identifying the real decision
            lowest price turn off buyers? Are   makers.
            there anonymous leaders who
            make the actual buying decisions?   •  Determining how buyers view
            As these questions suggest, the   their self-interest. All buyers
            reality of buying and selling is   act selfishly, but they some-
            often not what it seems. What’s   times miscalculate. As a result,
            more, salespeople often overlook   diagnosing motivation is one
            the psychological and emotional   of the most difficult manage-
            factors that figure strongly in buy-   ment tasks to do accurately.
                                           The author suggests several
            ing and selling. By failing to ob-   techniques to determine how
            serve these less tangible aspects   buyers choose their own self-
            of selling, a vendor can lose sales   interest.
            without understanding why.
                                         •  Gathering and applying
            In this article, first published in   psychological intelligence.
            1982, Bonoma sets up a procedure   There is no formula for placing
            for analyzing buying decisions   sound psychological analyses
            and tells sellers how to apply the   magically in the sales staff’s
            resulting framework to specific   hands. However, the author
            situations. Steps in the procedure   offers three guidelines—make
            include the following:
                                           sure that sales calls are highly
            •  Identifying the actual decision   productive and informative,
              makers. Though it may come   listen to the sales force, and
              as a surprise, power does    reward rigorous fact gathering,
              not correlate perfectly with   analysis, and execution—to
              organizational rank. The author   help managers increase sales
              outlines five bases of power   effectiveness.

            as buyers constantly look not only for the best deal but also for the
            vendor that best understands them and their needs. It is this under-
            standing and the targeted selling that results from it that can most
            benefit marketing managers.

            Buying a corporate jet
            The personal aspects and their complexities become apparent when
            one looks closely at an example of the buying process: the purchase
            of a business jet, which carries a price tag in excess of $3 million. The
            business-jet market splits obviously into two segments: those com-
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