Page 7 - Time Magazine-November 05, 2018
P. 7
For Less Than 200
How can a hearing aid that costs
less than $200 be every bit as good as
one that sells for $2,250 or more?
The answer: Although tremendous strides
have been made in Advanced Hearing Aid
Technology, those cost reductions have Can a Hearing Aid Delay or Prevent
not been passed on to you. Until now...
Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
MDHearingAid uses the same A study by the National Institute on Aging
kind of Advanced Hearing Aid Technology suggests older individuals with hearing loss are
incorporated into hearing aids that cost signifi cantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s
thousands more at a small fraction and dementia over time than those who retain their
of the price. hearing. They suggest that an intervention — such
as a hearing aid — could delay or prevent this by
Over 300,000 satisfi ed MDHearingAid improving hearing!
customers agree: High-quality,
FDA-registered hearing aids don’t TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR
have to cost a fortune. The fact is, 45-DAY RISK-FREE TRIAL!
you don’t need to spend thousands Hearing is believing and we invite you to try
for a hearing aid. MDHearingAid this nearly invisible hearing aid with no
is a medical-grade hearing aid annoying whistling or background noise for
offering sophistication and high yourself. If you are not completely satisfi ed
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of the box with no time-consuming days for a FULL REFUND. BUY A PAIR
“adjustment” appointments. You For the Lowest Price Call AND SAVE!
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