Page 190 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 190

Innovating for the Future 179

             Sustainability is up to you
             There is no magic formula for continuous reinvention and ensuring that
             your unit or company will be sustained for the long term. The innovator’s
             dilemma is still alive and well and is not easy to overcome. But if you get
             ready for the future, manage a portfolio of innovation projects that helps
             shape the future, and embrace a culture that  supports adaptability and
             change, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of enduring success.
                 Wherever you sit in an organization, or whatever kind of organization
             you work in, adding future thinking and discovery to your job is also a
             stepping-stone for longer-term success. It will doubtless take you out of
             your comfort zone—there’s nothing easier than simply focusing on tomor-
             row’s deadlines—but  it’s a  discomfort every great leader has learned to

              Questions to Consider

                ■ Balancing your own time. How much time do you spend focusing on get-
                   ting things done today versus planning for the future? If your time is overly
                   skewed toward the present, how can you create capacity for developing
                   longer-term opportunities?

                ■ Scanning the environment. What do you do to identify and keep track of
                   potential threats and opportunities for your team, both inside and outside
                   your organization?
                ■ Solidifying the core and building surplus. Is your key existing business well
                   managed?  Is  it  creating  some  extra  headroom  to  explore  and  pursue
                   future-seeking opportunities?

                ■ Innovation portfolio. Do you have a portfolio of innovative experiments—
                   with different time frames and risk profiles—that can help you and your
                   team shape the future?
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