Page 22 - HBR Leader's Handbook: Make an Impact, Inspire Your Organization, and Get to the Next Level
P. 22

12 HBR Leader’s Handbook

           first chapter in the book, we chose to end with it, as a way to reinforce the
           need for leaders to continually learn about all of these areas. In addition,
           we wanted to counter the increasingly common belief that leadership is all
           about developing inward-facing skills. In our view, leaders need to build
           their organizations and achieve sustaining results, while simultaneously
           developing themselves.
               Every leader puts their spin on these practices and adjusts them based
           on their own personalities, proclivities, passions, and situations. But their
           essence, as captured in the chapters that follow, remains the same.

           Practicing the practices
           Repeatedly trying, reflecting, and then improving how you apply yourself
           to create impact through the organization is what’s required, and it’s why
           we  call  these  areas  of  development  “practices.”  Successful  leaders  con-
           stantly do these things and work to improve them.
               This  journey  is  different  for  everyone.  It might  begin,  for  example,
           early in your career, when you’re first working as a manager with a more
           accomplished leader, and joining him or her in doing some of the practices.
           Over time, you will likely get an opportunity to take charge of some of the
           practices we describe (creating vision, strategy, etc.). You’ll have varying
           degrees of success as you take these areas on for the first time—that’s nor-
           mal. But by reflecting on your successes and failures at every step, you’ll
           keep making positive adjustments and keep looking for more opportuni-
           ties to learn.
               As you progress, you will reach a level of capability in these six areas
           that will enable you to achieve increasingly significant value through the
           people who work for your team, division, or company. As you succeed, these
           results will begin to build upon one another—you oversee a new product
           that becomes a runaway hit, or take charge of a transformational initia-
           tive that redefines a major market or puts your company on a new path to
               As you reach new levels of competency in each practice, you will expe-
           rience a magnitude change in performance and more followership in your
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