Page 4 - Vibers3
P. 4
Ode to Amy
‘My name is Amy Walker’, you say in 21 accents.
That started it all, a showcase of extraordinary talents.
Eunice, Tiffaniey, the Kiwi, Janae and the red head Aussie chick next door.
Your passion, emotion, laughter and joy always leaves me wanting more.
You were born in Seattle, Washington, and spent some time downunder
With the singing voice of an angel, everybody loves you, no wonder.
Dark and uncertain times you’ve endured, in the not so distant past
You found your way out, the pain was cured. Those bad times didn’t last.
Your incredible eyes really are the window to your soul, it’s true
I have seen and heard you from afar, a heart of bright gold hue,
When you sing to me, ‘Dreaming of You this Christmas’
I really know what that cricket named Jimeny has!
I try so hard to see past your beauty and sensuality,
But thinking about it, I see that’s just not reality.
What makes Amy is that, and her myriad of flair
You have a gift to go along with that fiery long red hair.
We are connected and so, you’ve had this huge effect on me,
Before I fell in love with you, I should’ve checked with reality
Is it wrong, is it a sin? Cos it can never be.
Love needs two souls akin and really, that’s the key.
So, actor, director, singer, writer, musician and teacher from afar
Be it known today you’re in my heart and know that you’re a star.
You have shared your incredible gift with us downunder
May your life be filled with happiness, success and wonder
Peter Byrnes