Page 15 - Choices Mag- KS3 - Issue 1
P. 15

When it comes to your ca-          left in charge of someone         speak, even the right moment
        reer, you might not know           or something?                     to make that choice when
        what the future holds, but                                           gaming. How do you show
        one thing is certain: what-        There are many ways that          patience in your life?
        ever that future looks like, if    being trusted plays out - but
        you can build and develop          just think about it for a minute,   4. Determination
        a personal treasure chest of       how many ways are you
        skills, it will serve you well     trusted by those close            Whatever challenges you may
        throughout your life.              and around you?                   face, a determined attitude is
                                                                             a very strong weapon to over-
        You already have more skills       2. Compassion                     come them.
        and qualities than perhaps
        you even know. Below is a list     Compassion is an important        We aren’t talking about blind
        of 10 important personal skills    trait to have in the world we     optimism or misplaced confi-
        and qualities that you may         live in – showing understand-     dence; we are talking about
        well recognise in yourself. They   ing for others, trying to better   facing tasks and challenges
        are core personal qualities        understand the views and          with a determined approach
        and skills that any employer       lifestyles of others, being less   to that task and challenge.
        in the world would recognise       judgemental of others and         Think about what you’ve
        and value. Think of them as        being more compassionate.         done in the past or are cur-
        ‘portable skills.’ They are, quite   Empathy and compassion          rently doing that may not
        simply, skills which you can       are qualities that translate into   even have happened
        apply throughout your life and     personal skills. Think about how  without your determination.
        to many different job roles. The   understanding you have been
        more of these you have, or         in your past towards others       5. Responsibility
        can acquire, the better your       and how you can continue
        chances of finding work and        to be mindful of this.            Life needs us to be responsible
        being employable.                                                    – it starts with us being respon-
                                           3. Patience                       sible for our own actions and
        1. Trustworthiness                                                   develops into our responsi-
                                           You need patience to learn.       bilities at home, work, and
 Skills you   on the trust that others feel   and become the best you        Being able to take on re-
                                           You need patience to improve  through sports and hobbies.
        Your future success depends
                                           can be. Even those you think
        comfortable placing on you.
                                                                             sponsibility and to be able to
                                           of as an overnight success,
        Don’t forget this. Your person-
                                                                             thrive with this responsibility
 might not   al brand goes with you from   usually aren’t. They would        is a skill which can be taken
                                           have worked hard, prepared,
        place to place and job to job
                                                                             for granted. Think about how
                                           learned and then executed
        and your personal reputation
                                                                             much responsibility you have
                                           their skill or talent. Demonstrat-
        is key to your future success.
                                                                             and continue to have in your
 know you had.  Can you be trusted? Do you   ing patience can be as obvi-    life – can you be relied on to            15  |  DECEMBER 2020
                                           ous as how you listen and wait
        demonstrate being trustwor-
                                                                             do certain jobs and tasks? Do
                                           your turn but it is also what
        thy? When has someone
                                                                             you get your work and chores
        shown their trust in you? What
                                           moment – the right moment to
        did that look like? Were you       you use to wait for the right     done; do you think you do a
                                                                             good job? The more others
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