Page 26 - Choices Mag- KS3 - Issue 1
P. 26

W          orcestershire                                                                                           W

             Labour Market                                                                                                      KEY GROWTH

             Information.                                                                                                       sEcTORS.

                Labour Market Information (LMI) is useful                                                                         In every county across the UK, there are Key Growth Sectors, this means that there
                                                                                                                                  are certain industries where job growth is expected to be much greater than other
                data that you can use to help you make                                                                            industries, meaning, if you are interested in a career in one of these sectors, your
                choices about your future. You may have                                                                           chances of finding a job are a lot higher.
                heard the term before, but what does it                                                                           In Worcestershire there are 4 main growth sectors, these are:
                actually mean? And how do you use it?
                                                                                                                                  Advanced Manufacturing                           Agri-Food/
                Labour Market Information is data that           You can find out more about the Labour                                                                            Agri-Tech Sector
                is collected both nationally and locally.        Market in Worcestershire by visiting:                            Worcestershire benefits from a strong
                The data identifies important facts and                               automotive supply chain, linking with            Worcestershire contains rural areas with
                figures about the world of work across           careersportal/info/36/worcestershires_                           Jaguar Land Rover and other first tier car       many successful businesses focused
                the UK, and in individual cities, even in        employment_and_labour_market_                                    manufacturers.  The county also has a            on agriculture, horticulture and food
                individual districts.                            information_lmi                                                  strong manufacturing base in traditional         production across the UK “field-to-fork”
                                                                                                                                  industries such as carpet weaving,               supply chain. Companies are increasingly
                For example, if you live in Worcestershire                                                                        needles and textile manufacture. In              pioneering innovative technology in their
                and when you leave school you                                                                                     Worcestershire machine manufacturing             growing and production practices.
                would like to continue to live and                DID YOU                                                         and engineering employment is 85%
                work in Worcestershire, Labour Market                                                                             above the England average.                       Visitor &
                Information can let you know how many                                                                                                                              Destination Economy
                jobs are available in different industries,       KNOW?                                                           Cyber Security
                the type of pay you will receive and                                                                              and Defence                                      An economic impact assessment
                even who the local businesses are. This           Worcestershire is home to some of                                                                                found the direct value of tourism in
                information can then support you in               the UK’s major companies. Have                                  Worcestershire is home to specialist             Worcestershire to be £638 million, with
                choosing your next steps for when you             you ever heard of Yamazaki Mazak,                               communications agency QinetiQ in                 over 6% of Worcestershire’s employees
                leave school and help you determine               Halfords, Worcester Bosch, Vax,                                 Malvern. The Malvern Hills Science Park in       working in the sector.
                the right route to take to achieve your           Morgan Motors, Brinton’s or QinetiQ?                            the south of the county is now the site of
                career aspirations.                                                                                               a growing number of spin-out companies           Although these are considered the main
                                                                  All of those companies are based                                as well as home to the National Cyber            sectors for growth, this doesn’t mean
                                                                  here in Worcestershire.                                         Skills Centre.                                   that if you want to work in a different                    27  |  DECEMBER 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                   industry you will not be able to get a job.

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