Page 5 - Choices Mag- KS3 - Issue 1
P. 5
Having your own solid careers Why not try
plan is important because it a Careers Quiz?
provides a roadmap for your
future, something to look Careers quizzes can be fun to complete and
forward to and work towards. get you thinking about job roles you may
This will then help you to make never have even considered before; they will
informed choices that will provide you with ideas that you can explore
benefit your future career and further. The buzz quiz is a fun, short quiz which
keep you inspired throughout analyses your personality to see which job
your time in education. roles and industries might suit you.
But how can you make
choices about your future Once you have an idea of the type of job
career when you have no you can see yourself doing in the future,
idea what you want to it is important to understand how the
do? Don’t worry! It is really subjects you study at school link to the
common for young people skills required to pursue your chosen career.
to be unsure about where This will help you to decide which options
they see themselves in the you should take and make the right
future, especially when asked decisions throughout your education.
what job they see themselves The Brighter Futures website can provide
doing. You are not on your you with an insight into how school
own in feeling confused. subjects link directly to different industries.
Luckily, there are lots of useful
websites that can help you young-person/options-after-year-8-or-9
to decide what your dream 5 | DECEMBER 2020
career may be.
DECEMBER 2020 | 4