Page 38 - 40thAnniversaryNJPSA
P. 38

Looking Back and Looking Forward

          A Word of Thanks to the NJPSA Team

          Even on its hardest days, education is a joyful field,     of educational leadership. From aspiring through retiring
          replete with promise, hope, and the knowledge that         membership services to immediate legal support, from
          potential is unlimited. Each child entrusted to us is a gift,   advocacy on legislation and administrative code to contract
          and each moment of discovery brought to fruition by a      negotiations and field services, NJPSA has provided the
          caring educator lets that child’s heart beat with the words,   services that allow educational leaders to do their best work
          “I can. I will. I must.”                                   with the fortitude that comes from knowing they are not alone.

          In the four decades that have passed since the New Jersey   Through the Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA),
          Principals and Supervisors Association came to be as the   NJPSA has been the premier provider of professional learning
          PK-12 organization that exists today, the landscape of     for educational leaders in the state, helping to shape the
          education has changed both subtly and drastically, most    future of New Jersey education. With a deeply held belief
          extremely from the impact of COVID-19. NJPSA has been      in equity, access, and opportunity for all students and with
          at the center, helping school leaders navigate all of these   the knowledge that professional learning must be deep,
          changes with forethought and efficacy, and has served as a   meaningful, and, most importantly, applicable in the real world
          nexus point for the professional support needed to allow New   of public schools, NJPSA/FEA has been the go-to resource for
          Jersey’s principals, assistant and vice principals, supervisors,   school leaders for legal training, pedagogical best practices,
          and directors to do their work confidently, bolstered by an   and surviving the unimaginable during an actual pandemic.
          association that truly understands and has lived the nuances

                                                    KAREN BINGERT

                                                    Executive Director 2021 to Present
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