Page 23 - FallCatalog2020
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of students to learn, the feedback cycles that are built in to   Leadership in Crisis.   small, practical steps that will allow for experiencing greater   New Jersey is one of the most linguistically diverse states within
 respond to student learning outcomes, and the instructional   Participants will:  peace and empowerment in leading through crisis. Part 1 will   the U.S. But how do students and their families navigate through
 practices that lead to the evidence of learning.  • learn practical ways to maneuver through times of difficulty   focus on Defining a Crisis and Battling Distractions During   implicit and explicit structural/systemic inequities within schools
 and adversity  a Crisis. Part 2 will focus on Character in a Crisis and Real   and school systems? This session will attempt to look at advocacy
    Leadership in Crisis.
                                                               models of family engagement, support for diverse language
  Hot Issues in Special Education Law  • effectively battle distractions during times of crisis and   Participants will:  learners in gifted education, honors/AP, and support for learners
 Dec. 3, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm   stress  • learn practical ways to maneuver through times of difficulty   and their families as it relates to IEP over and under classification.
 Presenters: John K. Worthington, Esq., LEGAL ONE Consultant   • adopt successful thinking habits to think your way through   and adversity  Models used in the session will build upon capacity for language
 Fee: $125  any crisis                                         diverse learners and their families as opposed to commonly used
 Register at:, Sponsored by TMI & LEGAL   • effectively battle distractions during times of crisis and   deficit models.
 ONE  Getting Started With MTSS (Multi-Tiered   stress
 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on special education   • adopt successful thinking habits to think your way through
 legislation has been significant. State and federal law is rapidly   System of Supports) in Our New Learning   any crisis   NJLA Series 7 Session 3: Culturally
 evolving for students with disabilities. In this workshop,   Environment (3-day Series)  Responsive Teaching: Leading Instruction
 participants will also learn about the latest case law, statutory/  Day 1 - Dec. 9, 2020; 9 am - Noon  That Empowers Deep Student Learning
 regulatory changes, and federal/state guidance regarding:  Day 2 - Jan 14, 2021; 9 am - Noon   Navigating New Jersey OPRA, FERPA
 • the use of physical restraint and seclusion for students with   Day 3 - Feb. 25, 2021; 9 am - Noon  and the New Jersey Pupil Records Act:   Dec. 14, 2020; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
 disabilities;  Presenters: Bobbie Felip and Deitra Spence  Understanding Confidentiality Rights of   Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register for
                                                               all three sessions. Click here to see the description.
 • the overlapping rights of students under IDEA, Section 504,   Fee: Free  Students and Staff
 New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination and the Anti-  A three-day series on implementing a Multi-Tiered System of   Dec. 10, 2020; 9 am - Noon (Live Online plus additional self-paced
 Bullying Bill of Rights;  Support.  This series is funded through a grant from the NJDOE   content)   Evaluating the Role of the SRO and
 • major changes related to the use of technology to deliver   and there is no cost to participants. Participants may register for   Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE Coordinator for   School Security Personnel
 services for students with disabilities;  all three days or any of the three days.  Online Course Development  Dec. 15, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
 • new procedures for addressing legal disputes and due   Day 1 - This webinar will guide school districts as they develop   Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members  Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of
 process; major case law decided in the aftermath of the   and implement MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) in   The right of public access to government records, including   Legal Research and Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
 Supreme Court decisions in Endrew and Fry; and  the current online learning environment.  Participants will   personnel and student records, and the confidentiality rights   Three Corners Law Enforcement; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
                                                               Human Resources
 • other important changes in case law, statute and regulation   be introduced to the three tiers of an MTSS  framework for   of staff and students has become increasingly complex. This   Fee: $40
 at the state and federal levels.  academic and behavioral interventions.    workshop will review the New Jersey Open Public Records   This webinar will focus on the role of the School Resource Officer in
 Participants will:   Act (OPRA), the federal Family Educational Records Privacy   schools. Participants will learn about the different types of SRO Positions,
    Act (FERPA) and the New Jersey Pupil Records Act and
  Hot Issues in School Law  • Explore the key components and helpful tools of MTSS   accompanying student records regulations. Issues to be   and the functions and responsibilities of an SRO will be addressed.
                                                               Additional issues to be discussed include school security considerations,
 Dec. 7, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm   • Learn how to examine your core instruction ( Tier 1)   considered will include who has the right of access to personnel   the Memorandum of Agreement, and race relations issues with staff,
                                                               students and the SRO in your School District.
 Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal   • Identify current assessments and ways data is used to guide   records, including evaluation documents, communications
 Research and Content Development  instructional practices  such as emails and to what extent staff privacy interests
 Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members  control; student records access including rights of divorced and    The Ties that Bind: Advancing the Work
 This workshop will address current developments in a variety    Building Trust and Protecting   separated parents and adult pupils and student confidentiality   of Anti-Racism
 of legal issues, including HIB case law and legislative issues,   rights in the areas of HIB, health information, gender identity
 TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions, student safety,   Employee Rights (HR Directors’ Institute -   and sexual orientation, and drug and alcohol use and treatment.   Dec. 15, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
 recent legislative enactments, social media, First Amendment   Day 2 of 3)  Recent legislative and case law developments in this area will be   Presenters: Kelisa Wing, PDt Specialist and 2017 DODea Teacher of
                                                               the Year and Daniele Massey, DoDEA Virtual High School Teacher,
 rights and responsibilities, and other current and ongoing   Dec. 9, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm   discussed.  Univ of Mary Washington and 2013 Virginia State Teacher of the
 school law topics including COVID-19 and racial discrimination/  Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca Gold,   Year
 disparity issues.  Retired Director of Human Resources, Paula Clark, Esq., Director of   Fee: $100 Members/ $125 Non-Members
 Human Resources, Wayne Township School District   Building Project and Inquiry Based   The Ties that Bind will create a safe and brave space to engage
 Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members  Learning Activities for a    in conversations on equity, with a focus on race, and learn
  NJLA Series 7 Session 2: Climate   This day will provide a deeper dive into the process of building   Virtual Classroom (PSEL Standards 4,    strategies to support anti-racist processes and systems in our
 and Culture: Nurturing Strong, Resilient   trust with district employees and ensuring that employee   6, and 10)  schools. An overarching question we will use to guide our
 Relationships for Adults and Students  rights are clearly understood and protected. Best practices for   Dec. 11, 2020; 9 am - Noon  learning: How are our school policies and practices undermining
 Dec. 8, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm   communicating with employees, bargaining units and their   Presenters: Brian Chinni, CEO, TMI Education   or supporting anti-racism? The following outcomes will support
 representatives will be reviewed. The often misunderstood details
                                                               the learning:
 Fee: $450 for a 3-session Academy. Participants must register for   of complex law related to family leave, workers compensation,   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
 all three sessions. Click here to see the description.   employment discrimination, employer duties in responding   During this session we will cover the characteristics of project   • Reflect on personal lived experiences and feelings of racism
 to staff members with real or suspected disabilities, employee   and inquiry-based activities, provide tips and strategies for   • Investigate the myths that impede anti-racism work
  Leading Through Crisis (2-Day Series)   certification requirements and more will also be reviewed. With   building PBL/IBL experiences for a virtual classroom, and   • Identify how to advance the work of anti-racism
 (PSEL Standards 2, 6 and 7)  staff member fear, anxiety and uncertainty at all time highs due to   ultimately brainstorm our own. Such an approach can help   • Create action plans that embed anti-racist work in school
    increase student engagement in an online environment and
 the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a more important
 Day 1 of 2: Dec. 8, 2020; 9 am - Noon   time to build strong bonds of trust with your staff.  provide opportunities for personalized learning.
 Day 2 of 2: Dec. 9, 2020; 9 am - Noon
 Presenters: Daniel Simon, FEA Consultant
 Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members   Leading Through Crisis (2-Day Series)    Language Diverse Communities and    Learning and Growing From Real
 These are unprecedented times, and everything rises and falls   (PSEL Standards 2, 6 and 7)  the Structural Inequities They Face in   World Changes (HR Directors’ Institute -
 on leadership. Both sessions of this series, Leading Through   Day 2 of 2: Dec. 9., 2020; 9 am - Noon  School Systems (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5,   Day 3 of 3)
 Crisis, are designed to guide participants through an exchange   Presenters: Daniel Simon, FEA Consultant   Dec. 16, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
 of thoughts, values, and decisions to help implement daily,   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members  and 10)  Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Sandra L.
 small, practical steps that will allow for experiencing greater   Dec. 14, 2020; 9:00 am - Noon   Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
 peace and empowerment in leading through crisis. Part 1 will   These are unprecedented times, and everything rises and falls   Presenters: George Guy, Principal, Rosa International Middle   Content Development; Paula Clark, Esq., Director of Human
 focus on Defining a Crisis and Battling Distractions During   on leadership. Both sessions of this series, Leading Through   School, Cherry Hill Public Schools; JoAnne Negrin, Ed.D.,   Resources, Wayne Township School District
    Supervisor of ESL, Bilingual Education, World Languages, and
 a Crisis. Part 2 will focus on Character in a Crisis and Real   Crisis, are designed to guide participants through an exchange   Performing Arts,Vineland Public Schools  Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members
 of thoughts, values, and decisions to help implement daily,
    Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                            This day will provide strategies for dealing with the many unique
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