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Student Mental Health Issues                          HR Directors' Institute                                       LEGAL ONE Express: Interactive Webinar Series
        Certificate Program                                   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca

        Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Susan   Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources; Paula Clark, Esq,     We know that getting out of your    5. Evaluating the Role of the SRO and
                                                                                                                                                                       School Security Personnel - Dec. 15,
                                                                                                                                   district isn’t always easy. That’s
        Coyle, MA Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth Coordinator   Director of Human Resources, Compliance, and Labor Relations,                                      2020
        for Middlesex County, Rutgers University Behavioral Health   Wayne Township Public Schools; Other HR Experts               why we are pleased to offer this    6. *Gifted Education in New Jersey: The
        Care                                                  Whether you are a full-time human resources director,                comprehensive and interactive series   Strengthening Gifted Education Act -
        Schools can play a significant role in addressing barriers   or it is just one of many hats you wear, human resource       of one-hour school law webinars     What’s New, What’s Remains and What
        that interfere with teaching and learning due to trauma   management can be a legal minefield. Major new statutes,         on timely issues. Each webinar will   Will Be? - Jan. 12, 2021
        and mental health issues. This program focuses on     regulations and case law affect all you do. This intensive           include a brief overview of the latest   7. Addressing Conduct Away From
        providing educators with key concepts and strategies to   3-day Institute, which also includes access to a webinar on      developments in select areas of     School Grounds for Students and Staff -
                                                                                                                                                                       Feb. 9, 2021
        address those barriers. The certificate program includes:   latest legal developments, will empower you to fulfill the     school law, followed by a Q & A. Each   8. Bringing It All Together: A Systemic   all together at a discounted rate. Each
          • 1 hour live webinar - Developing Support Plans for   HR role and feel confident in addressing legal issues that        webinar will be held from 3:30 - 4:30   Approach to Student Safety - Mar. 16,   session is 60 or 70* minutes long and
            At-Risk Students - Oct. 22, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30   are likely to arise related to recruitment, hiring, tenure and      pm (*or until 4:40 pm for CLE eligible   2021                            is accessible within 30 minutes of
            pm (or archived video)                            seniority, family leave, collective bargaining, completing           events) and will also be archived for   9. *Human Resources: New         registration (see confirmation email for
                                                                                                                                   later review by participants. Accessible
                                                                                                                                                                                                            access link).
          • Access to Signs Matter, a comprehensive online    required reports, providing professional development,                within 30 minutes of registration (see   Requirements, Best Practices and the   *Events noted with an asterisk are
                                                                                                                                                                       Law - Apr. 13, 2021
                                                              responding to affirmative action complaints and more.
            suicide prevention course                         Day 1: Laying the Foundation for a Sound HR System                   confirmation email for access link).  10. You Can’t Make This #$%^& Up! -   from 3:30 - 4:40 pm and are pending
          • 2 Full days of virtual training:                  Nov. 18, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                                                               School Law Horror Stories and Lessons   approval for 1.3 NJ and 1.0 PA
             Addressing Student Mental Health Issues: An Overview   Day 2: Building Trust and Protecting Employee Rights           1. Addressing HIB in Turbulent Times:   to Be Learned - May 11, 2021     Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
             of Key Legal Requirements - Feb 2, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm                                                                  What Every ABS Needs to Know        11. Legal Issues in Student Health -
             Implementing Legally Defensible Protocols in Student   Dec. 9, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                      (Recorded)                          Jun. 15, 2021                        credits.
             Mental Health - Mar. 2, 2021; 9 am - 3 pm        Day 3: Learning and Growing From Real World Challenges
                                                              Dec. 16, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                           2. Legal Liability and Lessons Learned                                   Purchase these as a bundle or
                                                                                                                                   from Reopening - Sep. 15, 2020
        This certificate program will empower participants to   Webinar: Human Resources: New Requirements, Best Practices         3. Developing Support Plans for At-Risk   11 webinars for all levels of school staff   individually (including archived
        work effectively with individual students and systemically   and the Law - Apr. 13, 2021; 3:30 pm - 4:40 pm                Students - Oct. 22, 2020            have been specially crafted for the   webinars).
        within their schools to improve services and supports for                                                                  4. Implicit Bias, Disproportionality and   2020-21 school year. Each webinar can   Individual Webinars = $40
        students.                                             Fee: $500 for the whole series or individual sessions can be         the Law - Nov. 10, 2020             be purchased individually or bundled   Buy All 11 Webinars = $330
                                                              purchased separately.
        Fee:  $300 for members and $375 for non-members       Those purchasing the bundle will receive additional pre-
            Those purchasing the bundle will receive additional   recorded content.
            pre-recorded content.
                                                                     Affirmative Action Officer
                                                              Certificate Program, Blended Online
               Evaluation in the Age of                       Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca
        COVID-19                                              Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources; and other speakers        EXPANDED School Law Express:
        Day 1 - Understanding Evolving Legal Requirements for   to be determined                                                   Attorney Webinar Series
        Staff Evaluation & Discipline                         Our Affirmative Action Officer Certificate Program provides
        Oct. 27, 2020; 12:30 pm - 3 pm                        essential knowledge, skills and tools for every AAO, whether         8 webinars designed for school attorneys, administrators, principals, supervisors
        Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; John   you are newly appointed or an experienced in the role. It         and directors for the 2020-21 school year. Each webinar can be purchased
        Farinella, Esq., NJPSA Legal Counsel and former high   includes an overview of state and federal anti-discrimination       individually or bundled all together at a discounted rate. Each session is Noon
        school principal                                      law, a review of the latest case law, tips for recruiting            - 1:10 pm, pending approval for 1.3 NJ and 1.0 PA Continuing Legal Education
        Day 2 - Understanding Educator Evaluation During the   and supporting a more diverse school staff, tools and               (CLE) credits, and log in accessible within 30 minutes of registration.
        Pandemic: Best Practices for Leaders                  strategies for conducting effective investigations, a review
        Nov. 11, 2020; 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm                      of discrimination issues related to current events, including        The School Law Express Attorney Webinar Series is a series of 70-minute
        Presenters: Anthony Scotto, Director of Curriculum &   COVID-19 and racial injustice, and tools for promoting a
        Instruction, Hamilton Township School District; Pat Haney,   comprehensive and proactive district approach.                webinars designed to inform school attorneys, administrators, principals,
        Superintendent, Logan Township School District                                                                             supervisors and directors of important updates in the ever changing area of school law. Webinars will be broadcast live
        Fee: $100 for members and $125 for non-members                                                                             from 12:00 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. and will be archived for review at a later, more convenient time for the program registrant.
        Participants can also register for individual days at $60 for   Live online                                                Accessible within 30 minutes of registration (see confirmation email for access link). Each session is pending approval for
        members and $75 for non-members each.                 Day 1 - An Overview of Discrimination Law and the Role of the        1.3 NJ and 1.0 PA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits.
                                                              Jan. 20, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
                                                              Day 2 - Conducting AAO Investigations and Addressing Racial          This series includes:
                                                              Justice and Other Current Events                                     1. What’s New in School Law? Fall 2020 - Oct. 29, 2020
                                                              Jan. 26, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                           2. What’s New in HIB Law? - Nov. 19, 2020
                                                              Day 3 - Addressing Implicit Bias and Establishing                    3. The Legal Ethics of Internal Investigations - Dec. 16, 2020
                                                              Comprehensive Systems, Protocols and Capacity
                                                              Jan. 27, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                                           4. What’s New in Tenure & Seniority Law? - Jan. 14, 2021
                                                                                                                                   5. What’s New in School Employment Law? - Feb. 11, 2021
                                                                                                                                   6. What’s New in School Official Ethics Law? - Mar. 11, 2021
                                                              Self-Paced                                                           7. What’s New in School Law? Spring 2021 - Apr. 15, 2021
                                                              Includes the online course Employment Discrimination Law*            8. What’s New in Student Safety and Student Rights? - May 13, 2021
                                                              and additional pre-recorded content, available after the live
                                                              sessions, for those who purchase the full AAO Certificate
                                                              program.                                                             The cost of each individual webinar is $40. Attendees can bundle all eight webinars at a reduced total cost of $240.

                                                              Fee: $400 Members/$500 Non-Members
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