Page 7 - The Art of Leadership (preview)
P. 7

01                               17                                27                                39

                   Mr Lee Kuan Yew                  Tun Dr Mahathir                   Mr Benigno Aquino iii             Mr F W de Klerk
                   An Entrepreneurial Culture       Bin Mohamad                       Consensus Building and            The Role of Leadership in a
                   for Singapore                    Asian Leadership                  Responsive Governance             Rapidly Changing World

                                    55                               65                                89                                101

                   Daw Aung San Suu Kyi             Mr Lee Hsien Loong                Mr Ban Ki-Moon                   Dr László Sólyom
                   Mindset in Leadership            Singapore — The Past,  The Present,   Sustainable Development, Gender   Governing for Sustainability
                                                    and The Future                    Equality and Youth Empowerment

                                    113                              135                               153                              173

                   Dr Francis Fukuyama              Mr Robert Zoellick                Prof Rosabeth Moss               Mr Herman Van Rompuy
                   The Origins of Political Order   Contemporary Global Economy       Kanter                           The Future of the European Economy
                                                    through the Eyes of Asia          Leadership in a Networked World

                                    187                              197

                   Mr Jyrki Katainen                Mr Xavier Bettel
                   Investing in Europe: The Way Forward Political Leadership in the Digital Age

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