Page 3 - RESPEX2018_Medan
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RESPEX 2018 is an INTERNATIONAL students
products competition being designed to elevate
students' products quality and their
creativity. RESPEX 2018 known as Regional
Students Product Exhibition is an
INTERNATIONAL students' product competition.
We gathered students' products not only from
Malaysia but from nearby countries such as
Indonesia, Philiphines, Thailand, Singapore,
Brunei and South Korea. For 2018 we are
targeting students' products from Saudi Arabia,
Germany and Australia. This is the third time
POLIPD going to organize this program after
RESPEX 2016 and RESPEX 2017. For this year
event POLIPD together with partner from Medan
which are Politeknik Medan and Forum
Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi Medan are going
to organize this event from 14th to 16th October
2018. For this year event POLIPD are going to
receive new partner from Universiti Nusantara
Jakarta, ISTN Jakarta, Politeknik Yogjakarta and
Ansan University. Interested counterparts and
friends are invited for this year program.